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Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AMAMMAMAMAMA FFFIINNENENENENE!!!!! Hsoshidhsksonsdjek- ok i am now chill!

Taurtis's POV

Sam was in my lap just sobbing for an hour. When he stopped i looked down at him and found him asleep- wich was good because that means that they can do the surgery. I got up with Sam in my arms and walked over to the door.

"Hey he is asleep now. Yall can do the thing now, but be quick about the shot" i said. "Omg thank you! Come on guys" said a women. They all went in and i followed in. They were all waching there hands and getting gloves. I just went over to the table and laded Sam down and left.

"Hey Mas do ya wanna stay at mine and Sam's house?" i asked Mas. "Eh,...why not." he said and Smiled. We walked out of the hospital and past Sookie, Soul, and Yuki's house. Then we made it to the house. When i opend the door i saw Evreyone sitting or standing talking. But that ended when they saw me and Mas.

"What are y'all doing hear???" i asked with a question look. "I got a text from you telling all of us to come hear, but when we found out the no one was home yuki broke down the door. And i put it all over CrabTube!" said J.

"Oh...yeah i forgotten. I need to tell y'all something. Ok so one Sam is ok. He has to get surgery and 2, THIS is Mas. Sam's brother!" i said with a truth face. "WHAAAT!?!?!?" yelled Rowan. "Yep! Ask away!" i said and walked to get pocky.

Mas's POV

Oh great! Now I'm stuck hear with his friends. And Taurtis just told then to 'Ask away' what ever that means. "How old are you if your Sam's brother?" asked a girl with feathers. I looked at her with a confused face. "OH RIGHT! Sorry." she said. "Role call" said a lady with glasses.

Yuki? "Kekek~"
J? "Money"
Salex? "Hi!"
Chan? "SENPAI!"
Soul? "Hear"
Sookie? " Hear"
Invator? "Sam Senpai~"
Pepe? "Hearrrrrrr"
Silly? "HI MOM!"
Ellen? "Yep"
PD? "!iH"
Taurtis? "GAMCRAB!"
JTS? "*throws ax*"
Hidden? "Yea, SORRY TAURTIS!"

Okay? i know all of there names i can answer.
"Well for start, Hi I'm Mas, Sam backwards and i am 17, a year older then Sam." i said. "Whats your fav Color?" asked Hidden. "Black and Red..." i said. "What's your fav food?" asked Sookie. "Carrots." i said. "What to you do for fun?" asked Hidden. "Youtube" i said with happiness in my voise. "This might sound rude but..." started Yuki.

"Do you have an Insane side?" yuki finished wile everyone was looking at her shocked. "Yes why?" i said. "AAAAAAAAA!!! HAHAHHAHA I TOLD YOU!!!! I. TOLD. YOU SALEX!!! Pay up!" she yelled. "UGGGH!!! Fiiiine!" said Salex a bit pissed off at her friend. "Wait wait wait wait...wait. WHY did you ask that?" i said getting ready to atack. "OH! Because Me, Soul, Sookie, Pepe, And Sam, are ALL Hibren's ANNNND, we are all insane!" she said.

"Heh, then PrOVE It!" i said in my demon voice wile smiling with a devilishly look. "KEKEKEKEKEKEKE~ GLADLY!~" she said and grabbed a knife from her skirt and ran to me and stabbed me in the leg. She backed up and looked at me with a shocked face seeing as my leg was healing on its own. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?" she yelled. "When your 17 you can, but your 16 so you can't. You can't die, get hurt, or all of the above. But the only way you can die, is if you only kill yourself." i said.

"Wow that's vary-" "SHHHHHHHH!!" i said with a glare. "But-" "SHHHHHHH!" i said and looked out the Window to see a boy with a purple hat walking by. And good thing I'm part bunny, or els this would be a problem. "Hmp! I should have KILLED SAM WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! *sigh* no mater. Ill just, sneek into his hospital room at night, and put some poison in the thing and he will be dead in about, 10 15- NO! 1 hour! Okay. Ill do it tomorrow night!" he said, and left.

"He is going to kill Sam tomorrow night! We have to stop him!" i yelled at the class. "Was it Dom?" asked Soul a bit scared. "You mean a boy witha purple hat? Yeah" i said. "Ngh!!! No no no no!!!!" said soul with a scared face and started crying. "Shhhh~ shhh~ its ok soul. I'm hear." said sookie wile picking up soul and rocking her back and fourth on the floor. "Well we all need some sleep. So lets get going" said mis okami.

"Wait! Yall can sleep hear, i mean just think about it. If Dom is going to kill Sam, then we all need to be in one spot, because he then might be looking for all the Hibren's to ether harm or kill them!" said Taurtis. "Ok but we need are st-" i cut j off. "All ready on it!" i said and poofed out of the house. I went to all of the houses and grabbed what they would need. Then i was back at the house agen. "Hear, i hot all the stuff that yall would need! Now, lts get some sleep. Ill close the Windows and curtens." i said and with a snap at my finger, everything went dark.

"Night~" Everyone said. And fell asleep..even tho it was the day time.💚💜💙

Ok i was bored so, yeah.

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