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Hello guys so. I just want to say,

THANK YOU! Thank ALL of you people that took the time to look at my books. (I'm being an ass because i am tired and because it is 2 in the morning.) and idk what to say. Even tho like 30 or 40 or something people saw Depressed and White rabbit a brother and his lover.

So yeah! Tnxs! Peeps~! But yeah. Thats not the only thing i wanted to say.

So, this is not normal for me, but, i normally don't stay up this late like at 1 or 2 or even 3 or 4 in the morning!? Idk y i stay up this late in the dam morning but, its starting to become a habit for me. And i have school comming up next month. So, *Sigh* idk what to do eney more.

1: I am coughing really bad like BLOOD is going to come out of my mouth at eney moment!
2: Idk y i am not sleeping like normally but instead i am staying up at like 2 or even 4 in the Dam morning!
3: I feel like someone is watching me at night. And like today i was trying to take a nap but i felt like someone was moving my bed.

Ether i am going crazy, or i am losing my Sane side. Idk, if yall have eney thing that will help me with all of this Shit then i will thank the heavens, you, and make like 2 or 3 chaps of yall fave book in the descript below.


And yall don't have to, but if you want then you can. 👍

So ill be off to TRY and i mean "TRY" to get some sleep.

~Sleepy Jelly

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