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Now that the meeting was over I told all the boys I wanted some time with Kota. He had helped with the defence training but I had no time just enjoying the day. I could not wrap my head around it that all of them now knew of the plan and I needed my time with Kota just as much as with the others. I really had no idea what Kota had planned for today so when we left I tried to get him to tell me what he wanted to do.

"Nuh uh can't tell you this. It will ruin everything. Wouldn't want that now, do we?" I just shook my head. He opened the car door for me as usual and after I entered he closed it and walked around the car and got in. He put the car in reverse and got out of the parking spot. After a while I was really starting to wonder where we were going. "Kota, are we there yet?"

He smiled at me. "Not gonna tell you just yet." I was getting anxious. Where were we going? We already left the Charleston area and drove on the highway. I've never been this far before. I was stressing out a bit. Kota must of noticed this because his hand went to my knee and he let it rest there as to tell me it would be fine. I had nothing to worry about. I trusted him. I trusted all of them. I had too. They were my family and I was going to stay for as long as I was wanted. I was sure of that.

Kota moved lanes going from the left lane to the right one and took the next exit. I looked around but had no clue as to what he had planned. This was unfamiliair for me. He took a few turns and stopped the car at a building. It looked like nothing special. He quickly got out and before I could open the door myself he opened it already. I got out and shot him a look in questioning where we were. 

"Hear ye, hear ye, truth be told and behold." He did this with his best British accent. It was cute and had me smiling.

"Why, thank you milord. And to what do I owe this pleasure?" I tried to mimic Kota since he was pretty good at it. 

"A pleasure it is indeed, milady. Now I would like to ask you to be my guest at the play."

"I would love to, sir."

Kota's face broke into a smile after this conversation in our accents. 

We proceeded walking towards the building that held a play of Romeo and Juliet. I never went to a play before so I just looked around and just looked everywhere. There was a lot to see. When we got in Kota ordered drinks for the break. He took me inside the theater and explained all about the lighting and what the play was about. 

After the play ended there was a standing ovation and I must say it was earned. The actors did a brilliant job at it. I had so much fun and even cried at the end. Kota handed me a handkerchief so he must of known the play already. 

"What is your favorite quote?" 

"Well, uhm, I think it is 'what greater punishment is there than life when you've lost everything that made it worth living?' What's yours?" I asked. 

He thought about it and finally said "Young men's love lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.' I really love that one. It is true I think. Shakespeare knew what he was talking about. Do you know where he is from?"

"Uhm, England?"

"Yes from a place called Stratford-upon-Avon. So now it is nearly time to go to dinner. What would you like?"

"Doesn't matter. Anything is fine." I replied. It really didn't matter to me. I was happy Kota took me out and I had fun. I loved being around Kota and I held his hand as we walked to the car. We drove off and Kota decided we would go to Uncle and have a little dinner there. Maybe Luke, Gabriel or North would be there too. I just wondered and was a bit tired so I closed my eyes for a bit but later Kota woke me up and I noticed we were already parked at the diner. I was slow so Kota beat me again at opening the door. 

We walked in the diner and took a seat at the table. I looked to see Luke and Gabriel were in and taking orders from people. Luke got us the menu's and asked what we wanted to drink. I asked for water since I really didn't feel like anything else. I decided I wanted a burger with side salad and fries and Kota ordered the same as I did. 

I was a bit silent because I was lost in thoughts about the play. It was really fun and I had not anticipated it. I think I really needed to read some Shakespeare. I asked Kota if he owned one of the books. 

He smiled and said I would be able to get them later. Luke brought our dinner and since it was quiet decided to sit at the table with us. Gabriel later came too. I glanced at Kota to see if he was okay with them joining us at the table and he just gave a short nod to assure me it was fine. Luke and Gabriel ate most of my fries but I ate the burger and salad. Kota shoved some of his to me and made sure I would eat them. I still had longs ways to go to get to eat as much as a normal person would but since the training I did do better with eating. I even gained some weight and looked healthier. 

After we finished Kota took me to Nathan's house. Nathan was there and got up as soon as he noticed me. 

"Hey Peanut," and he hugged me quickly. Kota left as tomorrow was just another day at school



Thank you so much for the comments and reads and votes. I never thought I would even get one vote and now I have 215 votes. Wow, just wow. I hope you like this update. I know it is short but I was having no inspiration at all.

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