Swimming with Superman

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Early in the morning I woke up needing to go do my business. Silas arms however circled around me. I thought to myself how do I escape this one. It happens all the time. He was holding me tightly. I started poking his side trying to move Silas to the other side of the bed. Eventually it actually worked. He was in oblivion. I went to the bathroom and washed up, brushed my teeth and went to the toilet.

I decided to stay up and make some scrambled eggs and bacon. I also took a glass of milk. North would be proud of me. I know I needed to eat better especially since starting the training with Nathan. Tomorrow again I thought. Looking forward already. The eggs were nearly done when I heared Silas go to the shower. It was still early now but my Superman came down anyway.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep anymore. Did I wake you? I tried to be silent."

"You did not wake me. The smell of food did" he answered. He hugged me from behind. I turned around and embraced him as tight as I could.

"When I finished eating breakfast what is it you wanna do?"

"Well we do have family meeting later but how about an early swim in the pool. Maybe the hot tub later on?"

"Excellent idea."

I changed into my swimwear and Silas finished his breakfast and changed in his shorts he used for the pool. I did a couple of laps and enjoyed being in the water. It felt so good and the water was warm. My sore muscles relaxed.

After I had enough I looked where Silas was. He was standing and seemed a bit panicked. I checked the pool and saw his shorts floating in the pool and laughed my heart out. He blushed a deep red. 

"It seems you are missing something Superman" as I got to his shorts. I picked it up and waved it a bit. Teasing him as I went. "Did you need this? Come and get it if you can or dare."

"Aggele Mou, are you teasing me? How dare you?" as he wiggled his eyebrows. 

Oh gosh what is he up to now I thought to myself. He seemed to go to the steps so to get out of the pool. 

"Oh no you don't" I said. "Do not even dare getting out of the pool without the shorts."

"Aggele, you have seen most of it now, the last part won't matter to me. It will just be a lesson in biology for the male anatomy."

I blushed. Was he really going to do that? No I thought. I can't have him do that. I am not anywhere near ready for those things am I? He got closer and actually walked out of the pool. 

"Silas, Superman, please cover yourself or I will not come out at all." 

He had a mischievous look and said he was going to the hot tub. How much did I not want to get in there. I loved the bubbles and the warmth of it. I turned around and tried not to look at Silas walking as naked as the day he was born to the tub. He went in and turned it on. 

"Aggele, are you coming to join me now? I am covered by bubbles now" he said. "You won't see a thing."

I got out of the pool bringing Silas' shorts with me and gave it to him before getting in the tub. He gave me some space so I huddled closely to my Superman. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders getting me closer to him. It was like he was still not satisfied with the position. The tv was on a baseball game. 

"Silas" i whispered. "Aggele, I really am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." My cheeks heated but I blamed the hot tub this time. "You did no such thing, I saw nothing. I turned around."

"Did you not see a thing? Hmpf."

"Okay so I was staring at you back" I confessed. 

"You stared at my back?"

"More specifically your butt" I confessed.

I loved the soft rumble in his chest but soon he laughed and hugged me close and kissed me on the lips. It was an innocent kiss at first but soon it was a kiss that heated places I did not know existed. 

Silas sighed and asked if I could turn around so he could put on his shorts. I did and watched the game a bit. He signalled that he was ready. So I turned around. 

"Come we need to get out or we are going to be boiled like eggs. Don't want that to happen."

He lifted me out and wrapped me in a large fluffy towel and dried as much as he could. He dried himself too and we headed into the house. He checked the fridge and grabbed milk and cookies. We ate them and than Silas said we needed to wash up before heading off to Dr Greens condo. It was where we had the family meeting with lunch that the boys would prepare. I was told not to bring anything but myself. 

I washed my hair and everything and changed into a light cream colored blouse with tiny pink roses on it and a cute skirt that was gray but matched with the blouse. I grabbed my favorite flats and put them on. I brushed my hair and decided to put on a small amount of lipgloss and a bit mascare since it was Sunday and we did have the meeting later. I checked my phone to see who I was spending the afternoon with but it did not say one name. This was odd. I am sure there was some on before. Maybe it was altered and they forgot to tell me. It simply said family now. Was it something we would do together? I would find out sooner or later.

I got into the living room and Silas was already waiting. He wore a nice dark blue shirt with jeans. 

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Yes" I said and grabbed my purse and put on my coat. Silas opened the door and held it open as I got out. He closed it and locked it since his dad was out already. He got to the car and opened the passenger door for me. After I got in he closed the door and walked to his side and got on and turned on the engine and put it into gear. 

Half an hour later we were at Dr Greens house. It seemed we were the first besides Dr Geen and Mr Blackbourne. I had the keys in my purse and was still getting used to actually use the keys I had but I did and it felt good. We got in the house and Silas voice boomed a hello to Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green. They got out of the kitchen. I walked to Dr Sean and hugged him as a greeting and kissed him on the cheek. I turned around and shooks hands with Mr Blackbourne and kissed him on the cheek too. 

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"They should be here shortly" Mr Blackbourne said.

"Pookie, please sit down before there is no place to sit."

I did sit down at the couch and Silas got on one side and Dr Sean on the other side. I sighed in content. There was a loud noise coming from the back.

Dr Sean said that they arrived and sure enough my boys all ran into the room and checked if I was allright. 

"Did you expect anything else?" I asked. "I am safe. I was with Superman. Nothing happened to me. Still in one piece you see." I told them. Silas grumled something so low that only I could hear. My cheeks turned a bit pink as I hit Silas playfully on the arm. "Don't tell all our secrets" I said. He got close to my ear. "Never would I do that." He whispered. 


Hope you like this chapter. It is a bit short but I wanted to update today. Please vote, comment and all the good stuff. What do you want to happen next? 

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