North, Cars and Fun

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After all the workout with Nathan I was glad it was weekend. Finally had some rest but you know me. I am not good at doing nothing. I woke up with Nathan wrapped around me and noticed a heavy arm on my waist. I sniffed the air and was thrilled it was North. He and I have not had a lot of time. I stirred cause I needed to go badly. I lifted North's arm of me. I tried to be silent and got to the bathroom. I washed my face with water and cleaned up.

I figured it would not take long for Nathan and North to wake up. I started to make breakfast. I made scrambled eggs, bacon, sandwiches and pancakes with chocolate chips in them. Can never have enough of those. I could eat them every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I heared the door open and the boys got into the kitchen. "Smells good Sang Baby" North said. I fixed the plates and made sure mine had the eggs, bacon and a sandwich on them but also took a pancake. The training had a side effect. I ate a lot more. I started to gain a little weight which was a good thing. 

We sat at the table eating breakfast. Nathan asked North what his plans were for the weekend. North said: "Today is my day with Sang on the schedule so but I need to check the cars as well. Change oil, wash them, clean them, check the lights all around. I need to check the tires. That will take a good deal of my time" he grunted. I smiled and said: "North, I could help you clean the cars and just hang out with you whatever it is you do. I need to learn to do things like that. What if you ever got sick and couldn't do it. Just show me what to do and I am happy to help."

Nathan said: "Spoken like an academy girl." Sang: "Remember, now I am." I smiled and was so happy about it. Kota had me scared earlier at the camp. I was sure he was gonna let me go but he supported me after all that happened. It must not have been easy for him seeing me with Gabriel. North looked at me and told me: "Sang Baby, you might want to change to old clothes or something you do not mind getting dirty." I ran to the bedroom and looked in the closet. I found grey sweatpants and a pink sweater that started to get thin because I loved it so much. I would need a new one soon to replace it. 

I got out as North was already waiting at the car since we needed to get to his place. When we got there he was out so fast that I still needed to get out of my seatbelt. He opened my door and offered me his hand. I took it and looked up at him. "You know I can actually open the door myself?" "Yes Baby but I like it and wouldn't want you to get hurt." "I have you to make sure I do not get hurt. Now let's get dirty" I smiled.

His eyes got darker and smoldered. "Agh not what I meant North. I mean we get to change the oil." I blushed looking like a tomato. Great I thought. "I know that. It just well uhm.. never mind. Come on, the cars are over there." The first thing he showed me was how to test the level of oil and to change it. Also we did fill the water and stuff like that. Removed leaves and got close to the engine. After we did all the cars we washed them and cleaned inside out. Then we waxed the cars and made them shine like stars. It took the entire morning but it was nice to see North with the cars. He knew so much and I knew so little but now I know how to help him out. 

After we did all the cars North suggested to see where Luke was. He sent a message and it appeared Luke was at the diner. North said since it was time to Lunch we could go lunch there. I agreed because I loved the diner and the food was really good. North drove to the diner and opened the door for me. Uncle was there too. We went to sit at one of the tables and Gabriel came to give us our menu's and asked what we would like to drink. I checked the menu and asked for an ice tea and North ordered a smoothie with strawberries and peach. 

Gabriel brought our drinks and asked if we decided what to eat. I than thought I never heard Gabriel say something without swearing. I smiled at the thought. Gabriel said: "Trouble, what is with the smile. It is so cute, I would kiss you till morning." I blushed yet again and said "Well today is not you day but North's so too bad, Meanie. "Maybe another time" and smiled my sweetest smile. I looked at the menu again and saw a pancake with cheese, bacon, onion and mushrooms and ordered that. When it came I put powdered sugar on top. 

North said: "Sang Baby you can't eat that. Are you nuts?!" "North Star, I am not but I think the combo will do nicely. I didn't order sweet and you know I like it. It has got bacon and veggies in them. It is healthy so I do not see the problem do you?" He grunted and looked at his omelet with spinach. "At least you did get veggies on them but I really wished you eat better than you do now. Maybe you can take some fruit salad later." I posted and said: "If that makes you happy I will. I do eat more and the training Nathan is giving me helps letting me eat more. He pays attention and makes sure I do not forget the vitamins and cooks fresh with vegetables." 

After we finished lunch North asked what I wanted to do and I told him I wanted to go to the beach or a park or something. So we did go to one of the many parks. One had an old swing and I sat on it and North slowly pushed me a bit and I liked that. He stopped the swing at some point and got me to sit in his laptop on a bench. He stroked my neck and I turned around and looked at him. He slowly got closer and kissed me and oh my do I love his kisses. I responded and stroked his back and touched his biceps and I loved the feeling of his muscular arms that wrapped around me keeping me save and close to him.

"Sang Baby, I love you so much it hurts and I never wanna hurt you." He put his head against my forehead and sighed. "I love you too, North Star and I never wanna loose you. I can't  handle that. Please never leave me alone." "That is never gonna happen. I will always be with you and if I am not there Kota, Nathan or one of the others will be there. I however will always return to you. You are the air that I breath. You are the most important person in the world to me." He told me. We decided to stroll a little  further and snacked a corn dog at a small place and looked at the pond with ducks and other birds around it. North got a texted and said it was getting time to go home. I grunted because I loved the day we had. Yes we did work on the cars but the lunch and the time at the park was so relaxing. No one around to disturb us or anything. 

I checked my app telling me that tomorrow was a day with Silas. I told North I was gonna call and see if he was home already. I dialed his number. After three rings he answered: "Aggele Mou" "Hi Superman, I wanted to know if you are home so North could drop me off at your place." He said "Yes I am home so you could come here. Maybe we can eat the gyros you liked and watch a movie." I agreed and walked back to North and asked if he could bring me to Silas. He did drive me there. When we got to Silas he rang the doorbell and waited for Silas to open it. North said he had to get going because he had a job tonight and left me in the care of Silas.

Well as always please share, vote, comment whatever you like. I also wanna thank you all for reading and the votes I got. I never expected it.

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