Is it vacation already?

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The bell rings to indicate it is lunchtime. Finally. Kota and I walk to lunch to see the rest of the guys at our usual spot. "Seriously though, is it me or are the lessons longer than before?" Nathan sighs. I tilt my head and look questioning to him. "Peanut, for sure you've noticed, right?" "Now that you mention it, no in time they are not longer," I wait a bit and yup, he grunts, "but they feel like it. The lessons are repeating stuff we learned earlier this year making it difficult to pay attention."

"Yes! See, Peanut notices. It's not just me. Ha."

"Where is Luke?" I ask.

"I don't know. Pulling some prank most likely. It's too boring here for his liking." North states. "Uhm, what does it say again in the bible. These extra lessons here are completely useless."

"Who am I? My brothers keeper? You mean that phrase?"

He smiles, "Yeah, Baby, that is it."

Suddenly the alarm goes off. "All students gather at the usual spot. You know the drill by now."

(probably covering the mic)

"Is this another bomb? Or just a prank? Let's find out rather sooner than later. Hope it's the latter of those."

I am concerned for Luke. Where could he be? I sigh but like the others follow. "Fuckers don't no shit here. Come on, Trouble." Gabriel takes my bag too as if I could not carry it. I do not see Mr Blackbourne or Dr Sean anywhere. Maybe it's serious this time.

I see Mr Blackbourne walking towards us as a group. "Ms Sorensen, can you please come with me? I need your assistance?"

Kota says "What is it, Mr Blackbourne?"

"No time to discuss this, trust me Mr Lee."

I walk along with Mr Blackbourne. I shoot him a quizzical look but I do not ask questions. If it is neccesary for me to know what is going on Mr Blackbourne would elaborate. The school is completely empty but Mr Blackbourne takes me inside. "It is Mr Taylor Sr who is trouble this time. The alarm sounded because he lit a fire since he was unable to get out. I've informed all those involved that need to know. The officials will think it is a firedrill or false alarm. I need you to crawl in a small space and get some of the things Mr Taylor has since it is keeping him stuck. I would of asked the others but they are too big." Mr Blackbourne explains.

He takes me to an airshaft that is very small. "Don't worry the A/C is not on. It probably doesn't even work." He helps me get into the shaft and halfway Luke is indeed stuck with all sorts of tiny materials. I think it's camera's I see and othter things probably. "Hey Cupcake, come to the rescue?"

I smile at Luke. "Well, look who's needs rescueing this time? Happy to help anytime. Just say when." I take some of the materials off. "We need to take it to this location on the map." Luke points. I look at the map and take of with half of the stuff and going to the location. I look down through the grating grid and see it's McCoy's office. "You wait here while I quickly manage this." He locks the room and quickly goes to work hanging the camera's so you can't see them. So tiny. One seems like a screw and another is in a pen. I wait in the shaft as Luke quickly places all items that are bugged.

He unlocks the room and jumps up quickly in the shaft and we place the grid and not one second later Mr McCoy comes in and takes the pen to write something down. We wait and after a few moments he goes out again. "These kids at it again. If I find out who did this..."

We wait a little more and go to Mr Blackbourne. He is still waiting and Luke jumps out first. I let myself go down and am caught by Mr Blackbourne. "Thank you, Ms Sorensen, for your assistence. Did all go well?"

Luke answers "Sure thing, and he used the pen immediately."

He nods and by the sound the students are in the school again.

As we walk outside Luke asks "is it vacation yet?" I laugh a little. "59 days till X-mas. Weekend comes first."

"Aw but Cupcake, I want to go out. Take you somewhere special. Would you like to go out this weekend?" He looks like a lost puppy and the face he makes I just can't resist. "Yes, you can. I'll go on a date with you."

The day goes by slowly and my stomach grumbles. I had no lunch. As soon as classes are over I take off and go out the door. Kota walks to the car. "Someone is eager to get home." "Not home, I need food. I haven't had lunch." "Well fuck, what are we waiting for. Let's get Trouble something to eat now shall we? We could all go to the mall or something."

I nod my head and my stomach makes an unlady like sound. I blush, "sorry.". "No Cupcake, I am sorry for not realizing." "Okay, let's go to the mall and have something to eat." Kota says. The others agree and quickly jump in the cars and we drive off.

As soon as we are there I order french fries and a burger. The others order something too and as soon as the food is in front of me I grab the burger and start eating. Since the training and eating regular I am not used to go hungry anymore. I take a sip of the water in front of me and sigh because I finally had something in my stomach. "Are you gonna get the french fries?" Silas asks. "No those are too much, I am full now." I smile reassuring and shove the plate to him. He gets them quickly and starts eating them away.



Well I had no inspiration for a long time but I do want to thank all the people reading this story and wanna know what you would like to see happening? Any ideas, thoughts? What is Luke gonna do for a date? Please comment, vote and all that jazz. It makes me happy! Love you all

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