Part 12

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I wake up feeling weak and tired. I look around realizing I am in the hospital. I then see Luke aside me holding my hand as he sleeps. Moments later he wakes up and I notice how much he's been crying.

"Rosa?! Your wake! Oh my god!" He says as he hugs me for a the longest time before letting go

"No do that again! I fucking love you, you idiot! I LOVE YOU! I don't want to ever loose you?! Why would you do that?!" He yells as I sit there in complete shock at the fact he just said he loved me.

"You love me?"

"Yes Rosa! I love you!"

"I love you too, I am so sorry! I just wanted to-"

"I know babe, I know." He says as I start to cry. Luke then hugs me crying as well.

"Never scare me like that again." He mumbles in-between my neck and shoulder.

"I won't I promise!" We then hear someone clear their throat and we see it's the doctor

"I'm sorry, if you want I can come back?" He says and we encourage him to continue

"Okay, well you've lost alot of blood so your going to feel a little tired and weak for a few days. But the great news is your baby is perfectly okay, you got very lucky."

"Baby?" Luke and I both say in shock

"Oh yes you are 8 weeks pregnant, congratulations." The doctor says before smiling and leaving. I sat there in complete shock trying to comprehend how I feel.

"Luke are you okay?" I asked as he looked very pale.

"I need some fresh air." He said as he got up but then passed out. I hit the call button for a nurse or doctor and that's when the doctor comes in just to see Luke past out on the floor.

"Oh dear. Don't worry this is actually pretty common for fathers." He says as he tries to wake him up and succeeds

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked as Luke just nods his head

"Here just sit there for a moment" The doctor says as he gets Luke some of my water.

"Here ya go." Luke then takes a drink as he sits there still looking pale.

"I'm going to be a dad? I'm going to be a dad???? I'm going to be a dad!" He says at first still looking pale but then he starts to smile and actually sounds excited. I then smile looking at him and I couldn't help but to laugh at how dorky he looked with that huge smile. He's a dork but he's my dork and I love him.

Hey I am so sorry for this being over a year late. I am now getting back into my story writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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