Part 6

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*The next day at school*

When I got to school some how everyone knew about the whole pool thing. I'm now in the hallway at the end of the day and I see Luke so I go up to him.

"Hey Luke"

"Hey...." he says while barley looking at me

"Oh hey its your sex budy!" Some guy who was standing a side him said and Luke hit him in the arm.

"Were you the one who told everyone?" I asked feeling a little hurt

"No.....but what happened last night...was nothing"


"Yeah nothing, I mean like you said we just met yesterday"

"So you taking my virginity was nothing?!? You know what I thought you said you understood what I was going through?!? Fuck you Hemmings!" I said as I turned around to take off when Cali came out of nowhere.

"Maybe next time when you and Ella or whatever her name is..talking then you'll pay attention to whose listening"

"You bitch! You told everyone?!? And her name is Elsa!!!!!" I said pushing her, making her fall as I just walk off. When I make it out of the school I am in tears.

"Rosa, wait?" I hear Luke say and I take off running, when I get home I got straight to my room pulling out my razor but then I stop and put it back. I tried to think of other things, I just kept on saying I am strong and I don't need to do it as I sit rocking and crying. I then decided to get on Facebook to talk to my friend who lived in Belfast, and that was when I seen alot of shit about me on their, people saying I was a whore and a slut, that I smell weird, I should just go kill myself, and alot of other stuff. I get off and sit there on my bed, rocking back anc forth as I cry. I get up, go to my dresser and open it, taking out my razor, making the pain numb. I started to cut my arms as I thought of the things they said, all of it just rushing through my mind as I scream in silence and cry out loud. I took my pants off and looked at my thighs, I looked at the cuts I already had. I looked at the word fat I had carved in my thighs with a blade. I made more cuts on my arms wanting the pain to be numb already but still nothing, the pain was still the same. It wouldn't go away not even for a little bit as I just sat there bleeding and crying.

*The next day*

"Hey Rosa, can we talk?" I asked and I turned around to look at him

"About what?!? You being an dick?!? Everyone already knows that!" I said as I start to walk off and he stops me

"No.....I just wanted to know if your okay? You look terrible?.."

"I fine now if you don't mind as the school whore I have somewhere to be!" I go to walk off but he grabs my arm pulling up my sleeve, then the other one.

"I knew it! What the fuck would you do this?!? What about the talk we had?!?"

"What about you being nice?!? Jeez Lucas you don't even fucking understand how I feel!!!!! I can't just stop cutting just like that!!!! I've tried!!!!" I took off as he just stood there, I pulled down my sleeves and kept on going then some guy comes up to me.

"Hey your Rosa right?"


"I'm Chaz, and some um I've been hearing somethings about you"


"Well I just thought since you hooked up with Hemmings when you didn't even know him that you and I could go to my car right now and have some fun" He says while pressing against me and I pushed him off

"I don't think so! You creep!" I go outside still hurt and pissed about Luke then Chaz comes out there.

"Okay look, maybe we got off on the wrong foot"

"Piss off! I'm not in the mood to be hit on by some guy who just wants to get in my pants! I thought Luke was nice, okay?!? So just fuck the hell off!"

"If I was you I would be nice to me"

"Just leave me alone!.." He pushed me against the wall

"Now that's still not being nice" He says as I feel his hand go up my shirt and I automatically start trembling

Really a bad boy or just hurt?Where stories live. Discover now