Part 3

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A few moments later Luke walks out

"So that was an accident hmm?"

"Yeah it was, why would you evem ask?" He gets closer to me, making our faces only 5cm apart.

"I was just wondering, but if you ever did wanted to see all you had to do is ask"

"I didn't...."

"But you looked?"

"Luke I just met you today! There's no way in hell that I would have sex with someone I just met or even think about! All my life I've just been the forgotten outcast! No friends, no life..." He looked me in the eyes and pulled me into a hug.

"Come with me.." He said as he took my hand, dragging me into his room, closing the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I asked not really wanting to be alone with him but I have to admit I loved his room. He had all the same posters I did, well the same bands.

"You were about to cry weren't you?" He asked sounding the same way when we first met

"No...." I said as I sat aside him on his bed

"I know you were....please tell me you don't self harm?" I look down and he lift up my head

"I'm here for you...It gets better, I know it might not seem like it right now but it does...imagine that when you cut that your cutting someone you love then would you still do it?" I shook my head no as I took down again but just for him to lift my head up again

"But no one loves me.." I seen pain in his eyes when I said that.

"Yes people do, my sister loves you, your mum loves you..........and I...l-lov-.....I really like you..."

"Really? You like me?"

"Yeah....I just have a terrible way of showing it...." We look in each others eyes and I just got lost in them. Before I knew it we noth we're leaning in, our lips connected and I felt electricity! He put one hand on my neck with the other one on my thigh as I played with his hair. The door then opens, we pull away, and Elsa just stands there.

"What the hell?!?" She says as we just sit there

"Oh uh....sorry Luke just wanted to show me something...."

"Yeah probably his dick!!!"

".....I gotta pee!...." I said as I quickly and awkwardly get up and go to the bathroom.

Really a bad boy or just hurt?Where stories live. Discover now