Part 5

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I felt a beach ball hit me in the side of the head, I looked and it was Elsa who threw it.

"What was that for?"

"You can get out now!"

"Nah I think Rosa and I are going to stay in here and go for a little swim" Luke said while looking at me and I nodded my head. They all go inside as Luke and I stay in the pool.

"So now I know why you don't swim, can we swim more often?"

"Sure but um not naked it right?" He starts laughing and I couldn't help but to think at how cute it he looked

"No not naked"

"Good" I said as I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes. We stay there for a moment before I kissed him, he kissed me back while putting me against the side of the pool. He starts kissing my neck as I moan, playing with his hair. He then starts kissing my chest and go back to my neck.

"L-Luke I want more" I said as I moaned and he looked me in the eyes

"Are you sure?" I nod my head, bitting my lip and he gets closer to me putting his member in as I wince

"You okay? Do I need to stop?"

"N-no get going" I said while wrapping my arms around him again as he starts thrusting and I start moaning even more

"L-Luke f-faster!" He listens to my command and we're both moaning like crazying then before I knew we both came. I hear someone clear their throat and we turn around it was Elsa amd the rest of the guys

"Oh shit! Elsa wait!" I said as she takes off, I get out and wrap my towel around me, running off to get dressed so I can go find Elsa and talk to her. After I got dressed I ran out the door to see if I could find her and I did, she was walking down a street.

"Elsa! Elsa wait up!" I run and catch up to her

"What?!? Was kissing my brother not enough?!? You just had to go and fuck him too huh?!?"

"Look I know your mad but-"

"Mad?!? Mad doesn't even come close to how I feel!!!! I though you were different!!!! Everyone falls for my brother but I thought you were your own person and that you didn't fall for people like him!!!!"

"What are you talking about?!? I am different! I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what I was thinking!"

"That's cause you weren't thinking with your head!!!!! And he's just going to hurt you know.....and I'm not going to be around so I can see my only friend get hurt..."

Really a bad boy or just hurt?Where stories live. Discover now