Part 4

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While I was in the bathroom I spashed water on my face, trying to get my act together and figure out what that kiss was about. Do I like him? Does he like me? Is he really actually a nice guy? If so then why would his sister tell me to stay away? All of these thoughts and questions was rushing through my mind as I just stood there. "Okay can do this just act like nothing happened" I said while looking at my reflection. I walk out of the bathroom and Elsa is there with her arms crossed looking at me.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him? You know I didn't have you to come over and hook up with my brother? He's a bad person to be with! He hurts people he likes, okay? Stay away from him, he's nothing but trouble!"

"Woah! Calm down! I don't even....well I...I don't know what that kiss was about! I don't like your brother..I barely know him!"

"...yeah your right...I'm sorry Rosa.." she hugs me and I hug her back saying it was okay then she pulls away.

"What do you mean he hurts people he likes?"

"....look its nothing, I was just upset cause I thought you were falling for him.."

"Well I'm not" she puts her arm around me and we start walking

"Good and we better go cause my brother's friends are here, their in a band together but anyways they like to do weird shit and I rather just not be here" She said and we go downstairs

"Hey Rosa! We're playing truth or dare, why don't you two play with us?" Luke asked as they were sitting there and started to beg

"One game Lucas!" Elsa said while dragging me to the circle they sat in and Luke introduced me to them after a while it was my turn to ask someone truth or dare

"Umm....Calum! Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I sit there and think of a dare as a smirk comes across my face

"Okay, I dare you to take off your shirt, go into the kitchen, cover your whole top half of your body with peanut butter, and go around door to door asking if this is where the bachelorette part is" Everyone started laughing as he gets up with a red face and about 10 or 15 minutes later he comes out with peanut butter all over him and goes out the door as we watched him go door to go. Then we see him talking to some girl who answered the door and he took off running then came back in side

"Why did you run for?" I asked while laughing

"Cause the last house I went to some like 15 or 14 year old girl answered and she said yes but not until a few years and that we could go to her room and make some memories!" Calum said while taking off the peanut butter and we all started laughing. He then sits back in the circle smirking at me.

"Okay Rosa, truth or dare?" I sat there and hesitated but then answered


"Okay I dare you to...jump in the swimming pool-"

"Okay easy-"

"Naked..with Luke and he has to be naked too by the way" My face got red and so didn't Luke's, I felt my palms get sweaty as I sat there trying to speak

".....uh...." was all I could say

"Don't worry you get to cover up in towels but they come off before jumping in" I sat there frozed but then I got up. I took my close off in the bathroom while Luke was in his room, then I came out wrapped in a towel and he uad one around his waist. We go out to the pool and I just stand there trying to comprehend what the hell I was doing.

"Don't worry, I'm right here" Luke whispers in my ear taking my hand and I actually felt a little bit better. I then dropped my towel and he did the same then we both jumped in holding hands.

"Oh my god! I did it!" I said while smiling and laughing a little bit

"I told you" Luke says while laughing then...

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