Part 10

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*Luke's pov*

I walked with Katy to her locker, I stood in the small corner aside it and then she started to get closer to me. Before I could say or do anything she crashed her lips on mine I pulled away and seen Rosa. I could tell she was about to cry but she didn't give myself a chance to explain as she ran outside. I ran after her calling her name but she just ran down the street so I stopped and stood there unsure of what to do. Then Katy comes out..

"Luke just for get about her, people like her doesn't belong with people like us."

"Like us? I'm not like you, I'm nothing like you and never will be. I Rosa and I'm like her! We make the perfect team!"

"But she's nothing but an outcast! A total loser!"

"I am too! I belong with the outcast cause I am one and we're fucking awesome!" I said as I then take off, I have to fix this one way or another. I just have too, without her I'm nothing. I get into my car driving down every street till I find Rosa but still know sign of her. I sent to her house and no one was there but I could tell she was. I drove everywhere I could think of then I went to the lake and there she was sitting against a tree. I ran to her and she looked weak.

"Rosa! Oh god!" I ran to her and she looked at me. I seen she was bleeding so I pulled up her sleeves and I seen she cut herself too deep.

"What have you done?!?" I said as tears formed in eyes

"I want to die, I want all of this pain to go away! I want my sister, I want people to actually like me, I want to like someone and them not go kissing someone else" she says as she cries

"She kissed me, I pulled away, I swear!" I start crying but then I pick her up

"I'm not going to lose you too! I won't!" I said as I carried her to the car, then getting in myself. I drove her to the hospital and she blacked out in the car. I pick her up running into the Emergency room.

"Help! Someone help! She's bleeding to death!" I said as I cried and people rushed to me, laying her on a bed taking her back.

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