Part 7

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"Get off of me!"

"Sorry but I can't do that, cause you really turn me on" He says as he puts his hand on my zipper

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!!!!" Then just like as if it was on cue Luke came out of nowhere and pulled him off, pushing him against the wall

"What the fuck do you were doing?!?"

"Woah Hemmings! Just calm down, we were just talking!"

"Then why were you on her with he screaming to get off!"

"We were just playing"

"Touch her again and I'll kill you! Literally! And it will be the worst, slowest, pain that you could ever imagine! Are we clear!?!"

"Yes..." He mumbles and Luke grabs him by the throat

"I said ARE WE CLEAR!?!"

"Yes! Yes, we're clear!" Luke lets go of him and takes me by the arm, dragging me with him. We get in his car and he drives off, as I just sat there.

"Can we please talk now?"

"About what?!? About how stupid I was to have sex with you?!? Or how stupid I was to think you were nice?!?"

".....I'm sorry...okay?"

"Sorry?!? Thats all you have to say after taking my virginity?!?"

"Well you took mine!" All of a sudden it got very quiet and I just sat there.


"Yes....okay.....I meant it when I said I really liked you, I still do...."

"Well you messed up!" He pulls over and stops the car looking at me

"I know I did, I fuck up everything!" His eyes start to tear up

" you don't...."

"Yes I do! I push people away I love! And....I hurt someone who"

"You can't say you love me can you?"

" know when you said I don't understand the whole cutting thing, I do" He unbuttons his pants and pulls then down and I see scars

"Oh my god.....Luke I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Its fine, I'm sorry for hurting you.."



"Just kiss me"

"With my pants down?" I get closer to him, pulling his face closer to mine

"I said kiss me" I said while smiling. He smiles and kisses me as I get on top of him.

"You know we're in a car in the daylight right?"

"And no ones around" I said smirking and he does too.

"There's more room in the back" I look over his shoulder and we go to the back.

Really a bad boy or just hurt?Where stories live. Discover now