Chapter Two: Four's little secret

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★★Four POV★★

That Tris girl is in most of my classes. I'm not complaining, she's kind of cute. This school year I'm going to try my best to win her over. But to get her, I need to break up with Lauren. I don't even like Lauren, she's kind of a bitch. She's mean to everyone and all she wants is sex. Like fuck that, I'm not going to have sex with her.

I walk into the cafeteria and I'm greeted by Zeke and Shauna. They are dating and like to make out every where. Lauren comes up to us. I should break up with her right now, but I don't want to. I'm going to make the break up special. Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but I got an idea.

"Hey Four, are you going to Alex's party this weekend?" Zeke asked.

"I can't." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

Think Four, think. What's a good excuse.

"My dad's car broke and he has to get it fixed." I said.

"Right." Zeke said.

"Well, I'll come over this weekend." Lauren said.

"You can't, my dad doesn't want anyone over. Our house is a mess." I lied.

"Well, clean it up." She said.

"You're not my mother, hoe." I said.

Opps, shouldn't of said that.

"What?" She asked.

"Look, we're done. I like someone else." I said.

"Fine, I don't like you anyways." She said.

She then walked off to talk to her friends. Zeke whispers something to Shauna and she nods her head and walks off to her friends. Zeke then pulls me into the bathroom. Geez, we are just like girls. We have to gossip in the bathroom. 

"Dude, who is this other lady?" Zeke asks.

"I'm not telling." I said.

"Is it Christina?" he asked.

"No, she's too happy and bubbly." I said.

"Is it that one girl in Math?" Zeke asked.

"Which girl?" I asked.

"That one who's brother you beat up in middle school." he said.

"More details." I said.

"That Tris girl." he said.

"No." I lie. 

"I will find out who you like." he said.

"Sure you will." I said.

"Dude, I picked a lock with one of Shauna's bobby pins." he said.

"Yeah, that's totally the same as finding out who your bro likes." I said.

"It's equivalent." he said.

"Yeah, sure." I said walking out of the bathroom. 

I was going to break up with Lauren tomorrow, but that happened. Now I just need to keep my other crush a secret. This school year is going to be fun. 


~*Tris POV~*

I walk into the cafeteria and Lauren is in tears. Christina laughs behind me. We walk over to our table and sit down. We then wait for everyone else to get here. It take Uriah a minute to get here. His older brother is one of Four's buddies. So, Uriah never gets beat or picked on by Four. 

"Hey, did you guys see Lauren?" Uriah asked.

"Yeah, she's in tears." I said.

"I wonder what happened." he said.

"Four probably broke up with her." Christina said.

"Not a chance, they are everyone's favorite couple." I said.

"Maybe Four was tired of it?" Christina suggested.

"I could ask my brother later, he's always around Four and Four tells him everything." Uriah said.

"Speak of the devil, there he is." Christina said.

Zeke comes over and sits next to Uriah. He steals some of his fries and Uriah gives him the stink eye. Me and Christina giggle.

"Hey, I want you all to know that Four broke up with Lauren." Zeke said.

"I told you so." Christina said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I really don't know, but Four does have his eye on another lady. I'm trying to figure out who. I suggested both of you ladies to him, and he said no." Zeke said.

"I kind of figured that." I said.

"He's a popular jerk, why would he even want to like us?" Christina asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, I'm just here to let you know that Four might have a new lady in his life soon." Zeke said.

Zeke gets up and walks over to Four who walks past us. He gives me a glance and a smile. What was that about. I know for a fact that he doesn't like me. But that wasn't a I'm going to beat you up smile, it was a hey your good looking smile. Maybe Four does have a crush on me.


Note: Oooh, Four, you little flirt

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