Chapter Twenty: Movie Night

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My parents are going to be gone for a week or so. Me and Caleb have the house to ourselves now. Our mom was going to consider having the neighbor check in on us, but we're old enough. Right now I am sitting on the couch and Caleb is in the kitchen making popcorn. I have my feet propped up on the coffee table.

Mom would be pissed at me right now if she say me all relaxed with my feet on the table. My dad would be mad too. They say that we shouldn't stink the furniture with our feet. I honestly don't really care. 

Tonight our family would of went to a restaurant for a family dinner. This Friday me and Caleb get to do whatever we want.

"What movie do you have in mind?" Caleb asked.

"I don't know, you pick." I say.

"I know what we should watch." He says.


Someone shakes me lightly to wake me up. I open my eyes and see Caleb. I guess I fell asleep during the movie. I sit up and see that the credits are scrolling through the screen. Okay, I don't think James Bond is boring, I just easily fall asleep during movies. 

I get up and stretch my legs out. I fall over in the process of doing that. I am now on the floor, laying on my back. I start laughing because it was more funny than painful. I hear footsteps come into the room.

"Are you alright?" Caleb asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say still laughing.

Caleb helps me up and go upstairs to my room and get changed into my bed clothes. I then look over at the clock and see that it is seven. I hear the house phone ring. I dart out of my room and answer the phone. Caleb comes into the room as I answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"This is mom and dad." my mom says.

"Hi mom." I say.

"How are you and Caleb?" she asks.

"We're fine. Caleb's looking at me as we speak right now." I say.

"That's good. We just called t check on you." she said.

"We'll be fine mom, nothing to worry about. If we burn down the house we'll call you." I said.

"You better not burn down the house, or both of you will be in deep trouble." she said.

"We won't." I say.

"Okay, me and your dad love both of you.' she said.

"We love you too." I say.

I hang up the phone and go into the kitchen and try to find food. I look through the fridge and the cabinet, but I'm not that hungry. I go back to my room and go to bed.


Note: It's a short chapter but it's an update. I haven't updated in a while. I got sick and I've been lazy. 

This Weeks Schedule

Monday- Super Agents and Divergent High

Tuesday- Super Agents and Different Minds

Wednesday- Super Agents and Life of Matthew

Thursday- Super Agents and never break our love

Friday- Super Agents and Different Minds

QOTC: Do you easily fall asleep during movies?

AOTC: Yes, like thirty minutes into a movie and I'm out cold!

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