nineteen: Zeke is in trouble

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I drive Uriah home. One, he needed a lift. Two, I want to see Zeke get his ass whooped. He's going to be in so much trouble. I park my car and me and Uriah walk into the house.

"Is that you Zeke?" Uriah's mom yells.

"No, it's Uriah." Uriah says.

She comes out of the kitchen and similes at us.

"You two can go into the front room." She says.

We walk into the small front room. There's not much in it. Just a love seat, a TV and a DVD rack. Uriah sits down and I stand up. I then see Zeke's car pull up. He's going to be in huge trouble.

Zeke opens the front door. He looks over at us and gives us a questioned look. He doesn't know why I'm standing here. I start to laugh a little.

"Ezekiel Pedrad, you are in huge trouble!" His mom shouts.

"Oh shit." Zeke says.

She comes back out of the kitchen and crosses her arms at him. Zeke gets a scared look on his face.

"You mister were smoking drugs instead of going to school." She says giving him the glare.

"What?" Zeke asks.

"Don't play dumb with me." She says.

"How did you find out?" He asks.

"Your friend called saying that you told your brother that you were going to go do dope." She said.

"Uriah, you weren't supposed to tell anyone." Zeke said.

"Upstairs mister." Their mom says.

Zeke quickly goes upstairs. His mom goes and grabs something from the kitchen. She then goes upstairs after Zeke. Me and Uriah carefully go upstairs so we can hear what happens. All I hear is something against skin and Zeke crying. Me and Uriah laugh a tiny bit. We have never heard Zeke cry before. We hear a door open and we quickly run back downstairs. 

I leave and get into my car. I then take off to my home. It doesn't take long to get to my house from Zeke's. I pull up into the drive way and head inside of the house. When I get inside I see my parents standing there with their suitcases packed. 

"Hello Tobias, we are going to go on a trip for business along with Andrew and Natalie Prior. We'll be gone for about a week, maybe a week or a half. Just make sure the house is clean when we get back." My mom says.

"Yes ma'am." I say.

She and my father leave out the door. They know that I don't like to be hugged or to be kissed on the check. Plus I'm older and find that rather awkward. I go into the kitchen and find food to eat. This is going to be great, I have the house to myself for a week or so. 


Note: I know it's sort, but I'm not really in a writing mood. So much crap going on with the whole rumor about Ascendant being a TV and the Hunger Games fans attacking the Divergent fans by saying that our fandom is dead. It's only the rude Hunger Games fans of course. Like seriously you rude ass people, go crawl back into your ass and suck on your thumbs like a little baby. The Divergent Fandom isn't dead or isn't dying out. We are much alive. And hey rude people, didn't you notice that the same thing happened to the Mortal Instruments? They only got one movie and then became a TV show, and honestly, I didn't really like the TV show. The characters didn't seem like the characters, except for Alec, Magnus and Izzy. Those character were played well. But no one said that the Mortal Instruments fandom was dead or anything when that happened. So why Divergent? Why us? And also to you rude Hunger Games fans, don't you know that your movie was made by the same people as us? lionsgate did both the Hunger Games and Divergent, so yeah, stop being rude!

Sorry for that rant, kind of pissed off at this whole thing. I'm not going to believe anything until the Divergent Series confirms it or Lionsgate. For right now I'll be trying to write my other story

QOTC: First Fandom?

AOTC: Technically Star Wars

Go check out my story Super Agents: Beginning of the War!

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