Chapter Three: Home

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**Tris POV**

The last bell rings and I get up from my chair. I walk out the door with Will. Me and Will have been close friends ever since fifth grade. He's smart and helps me out. He's also pretty cool. 

"What are your plans for the weekend?" I ask him walking up to my locker.

"My family is going to a opera. My sister suggested it." he said.

"An opera?" I asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to go to play, but nope, my sister wanted the opera." he said.

"My parents went to an opera once. My mom said my dad fell asleep and she was ready to sleep." I said.

"That'll probably happen to me." he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Bye." he said.

I walk out of the school with Caleb at my side. I then hear some running footsteps. Me and Caleb turn around and we see Four. Why is he running after us?

"Hi." I say awkwardly.

"Hey, I'm trying to change my ways this school year." he said.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, I've been a total jerk in the past." he said.

"You don't say." I said.

"Ha ha, but I'm sorry for the past, and hopefully we can all be friends." he said.

"We can give you a chance." I said.

"Tris, are you sure?" Caleb asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I won't beat you up again." Four said.

"We'll see." Caleb said walking off.

"He's still not over what happened in middle school." I said.

"I feel really bad about that to." he said.

"Like I said, we'll give you a chance." I said.

"Thanks." He said.

He then took running off. I continued my way home. When I got home, my brother war already there. He was washing the dishes. I come over and help him. He doesn't even look at me. He's probably still mad at me for giving Four a chance.

We just silently wash the dishes. After the last plate is washed, my mom comes through the door. She sets her things down and comes over to us.

"How was school?" She asked.

"Good." Me and Caleb said at the same time.

"You don't sound too excited." My mom said.

"It was fine." I said.

"Did that Eaton boy give you any trouble?" My mom asked.

"No." I said.

"Good, we're having dinner with them on Saturday." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, your father and him had some work things they want to talk about over the weekend. Plus we haven't met Mrs. Eaton." She said.

Me and Caleb nod our heads. Our mom smiles at us and the goes into the kitchen. I go upstairs to my room. Caleb goes to his which is across from mine. His room is usually clean. Once in a while there will be papers all over the floor. My room is always clean. I don't really have anything to make it messy.

I close my door and sit down at my desk chair. From my desk I can see Mr. Black pulling into his drive way. I'm kind of friends with their daughter Susan. Caleb has a crush on her. Their son Robert is kind of a jerk. Good thing he's home schooled now.

My mind then goes back to Four. Four who said he is changing his ways. I wonder why he is. Maybe he's trying to impress his crush. Still can't believe he broke up with Lauren. Why would he do that, Lauren in the prettiest girl at school and everyone wants to date her. Now other guys can date her. I remember how they would always make out every morning. It was gross, and me and Christina would make gag noises and walk right pass them. Now we are going to have to be updated on Four's new lady when he gets together with her.


Note: Poor Tris, she has no clue, well, she isn't supposed to have a clue, so I guess nor poor Tris

QOTC: Are you home schooled, Public schooled, or Private Schooled? 

AOTC: I go to a public school! 

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