Chapter Twelve: The Hotel

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We arrive at our destination, which is California. We found that out while on the plane. We grab our bags and head off the plane. We go through the same security checks and then we are out of the airport. Since there is so many of us, we have to split up. My family in one cab and the Prior's in the other cab. 

We are both heading to the hotel, which is near the beach that we'll be spending the weekend on. We make it to the hotel and see that the Prior's are already there. We get our stuff out of the trunk and then tip the cab driver. We all then step into the hotel and the adults go to sign in. I heard that they are going to all share a room and then us three kids are going to share a room. Since Tris and Caleb are brother and sister it would be gross if they did anything, you know. And I'm too chicken shit to tell how I feel to Tris. And Caleb is a guy, so I only plan on talking to him.

Once our parents come back they lead us to the floor that we are staying on. My mother hands me the card to our room. I'm assuming that it's the key. All of the adults then talk to us.

"Okay, so we have a few rules, One, no fooling around, I'm looking at you son. Tris, make sure they don't do anything dumb." My mother says.

"Yes Ma'am." Tris said.

"Second, try not to stay up too late." she said.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Yes, for now." she said.

"For now?" we all ask.

"Just in case you three do something bad." she said.

"We won't be bad." I said.

"Just have fun." they said walking into their room. 

I swipe the card and the door opens. There are two beds and a chair. Someone will have to sleep in  the chair. I'll probably sleep in the chair. Tris should always have a bed and Caleb and I can decide if we take turns or not in the chair. 

"There is only two beds." Caleb says.

"Tris will defiantly have a bed since she is the lady." I said.

"Thanks." she said.

"I'll take the chair." I said.

"Really?" Caleb asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. I slept in plenty of reclining chairs." I said.

"I slept in one when I was sick." Tris said.

"I remember that." Caleb said.

I open the closet and find an extra blanket. I then take it over to the chair. Caleb hands me an extra pillow that was on his bed. I go into the bathroom to check it out. It's a small bathroom. A shower, a sink and a toilet. There is a bin with folded towels, and a clean towel on the rack right now. 

"I wonder when we are heading to the beach." I said.

Just then Tris's phone makes a loud sound. She pulls out her phone and she answers it. Appearntly it's a face call. They are in the other room, why are htey calling us.

"Beach in ten minutes." Tris's mom said.

"Why did you face time, you could of came over and told us." Tris said.

"Well, we are changing right now." she said.

"Okay mom, we'll get changed." Tris said.

She hangs up and we all dig for our bathing suits. Tris goes into the bathroom. Me and Caleb change in the main room. We have our backs facing each other so we don't look at each other. Yes we are both guys, but that is awkward. Yeah, go ahead and laugh at us for acting like girls. I can see you laughing. 

Once I am changed I throw a plain shirt on. I grab my phone and stuff it into the pocket of my swim shorts. Tris comes out of the bathroom with a dress on over her bikini. I don't blame her, we are going to be driving through public, so we don't want to be half naked. Plus there is another guy in the room, who isn't her brother and it's me.

"Let's get going." I say.

We then leave the room and catch up to the adults.


Note: Just cause you guys are awesome, I'm going to try to write a lot of chapters tonight. Hopefully you will be happy! Yay! And Fourtris may or may not be happening soon. I guess you'll have to find out. And I may or may not put a cliffhanger in the next chapter!

Love you all (As friends, lol)

QOTC: What movie are you going to see next in theaters?  

AOTC: The wild Life most likely

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