Chapter Twenty-one: The Mall

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I wake up in the morning to my phone buzzing. I grab it off my night stand and look at the caller ID. It's Christina, I wonder what she wants at like eight in the morning.

"Hello?" I say.

"It's me!" Christina squeals.

"Hi Christina." I say.

"Anyways, since you texted me last night that your parents are out of town for a week. We should go shopping." she said.

"Okay." I say.

"Plus it's getting closer to Halloween and we need costumes." Christina said.

"I don't want to dress up for Halloween." I say.

"Well, you have to. I'll be at your house in fifteen minutes. You better be dressed and ready." she said.

"Fine." I say.

"Bye." she says.

She hangs up and I set my phone down. I grab random clothes out of the closet and get dressed. I brush all the tangles out of my hair and I throw it into a pony tail. I then put on my shoes, grab my messenger bag that I carry with me when I go shopping and I grab my phone. I then walk down stairs.

"Caleb, I'm going shopping with Christina." I yell.

"Okay." he yells back.

I then go out and sit on the porch waiting for her. A few minutes later Christina's shiny car pulls into the drive way. I open up the passenger door and hop in. 

"So, where are we going first?" I ask.

"To that new clothes shop in the mall. They just opened it like two days ago. I was going to ask my mom if she wanted to go with me there, but then I remembered that she had to take Rose to a birthday party." Christina said.

"What's the shop called again?" I ask as I take my lip gloss out of my bag.

"H&M." she says.

"I seen an ad for it on my phone the other day." I say as I put on my lip gloss.

"I heard that it is a great store." she says.

"Any other stores?" I ask.

"Forever 21, that new Halloween shop. Also I need new shoes so we may go to a shoe store. Plus if we get dresses or a nice outfit, we can get shoes to match it." Christina says.

"Okay." I say.

Christina pulls into the mall parking lot and we get out of the car. Christina puts her purse on her shoulder and locks the car. She then puts on her sun glasses and I do the same. We then walk into the mall. 

"Look at all the cute boys here." Christina says.

"Chris, I have a boyfriend already." I say.

"I know, but I can still gawk over all the guys." she said.

We walk around the mall until we find H&M. Me and Christina enter it. Once e do enter, she gets so excited by all the clothes we see.

"Come on Tris, we have a lot of shopping to do!" she squeaks. 



"Dude, let's go to the mall." Zeke says.

"I though you were grounded." I said.

"I'm half grounded. The only place my mom will let me go to is the mall." he said.

"Fine, but what the hell are two guys going to do at the mall?" I ask.

"I can get that cool phone case I saw." he said.

"Oh yeah, you pointed that out to me like two weeks ago." I said.

"Yeah, look, just drive to the mall man." he says.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I say.

I put the car into drive and I drive us to the mall. It doesn't take long to get there. I pull into the parking lot and park next to a car that looks like Christina's. She's probably at the mall. I wonder if Tris is with her. Maybe I'll call Tris and ask where she is.

I pull out my phone as we walk towards the entrance of the mall. I dial up Tris as we walk into the mall. 

"Hello?" her voice says.

"Hey Tris, it's me." I say.

"Hi Four." she says.

"Oh my gosh, you're on the phone with Four! How cute!" I hear Christina yell in the background.

"Chris be quiet, those mean girls just looked at us." Tris said.

"Okay then." I say.

"Sorry, we're shopping at H&M." Tris said.

"Really? Me and Zeke are also at the mall. We parked next to Christina's car." I say.

"Wow." Tris said.

"Anyways, we should all meet up for lunch." I say.

"Sure, where?" she asks.

"How about the food court. We'll then pick a place to eat from there." I say.

"Of course, see you then." she says.

"Bye bye Tris." I say.

"Bye Four." she says.

I hang up the phone and me and Zeke walk over to the Phone case stand thing. 


Note: I never been to H&M so I had to ask my brother if it was a clothes shop. He never been there either, but he knows more about all the shops in the mall than me. Don't even ask how that is possible. Anyways, I'll probably update another chapter or two today!

QOTC: Favorite book series? 

AOTC: It's a tie between Divergent and The Mortal Instruments. 

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