Chapter 2

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-The Rest Of The Team-

       While you were in a dreamless slumber you started to feel a little too warm. You open your eyes slowly and what you saw made you very pissed. Meliodas was soundly sleeping next to you while one of his hands rested on your boob. You tried to shake him off but that made his other hand go to your waist and hold you firmly.

       You sighed but then you came up with a very evil idea. You take a deep breath than...

"MELIODAS WAKE UP!!" You yell. He falls off the other side of the bed and yelps in pain.

"I'M UP!" He yells startled awake. He looks at you like you're crazy and you just snicker.

"I thought I told you not to touch me." you tell him smirking.

       Realization hits him as he remembered what you said.

"It's a habit okay. You better get used to it." He says sleepily.

"Aren't you too young to do that to girls." You say.

"Do you really want to know how old I am?" He asks with one brow raised.

       You nod. "I am over 3000 years old." He says like it's no big deal. You gasp and then realize he is from the seven deadly sins.

"Well I am 17." You say. You guys just stare at each other for a while, well you stare at him but he mostly stares at your chest. You then snap it of your stare off and go back to bed, realizing it's still early so why not  back to bed.

       "You know I didn't just touch your boobs while you were asleep." He says getting into the bed with you.

"And where the hell do you think your going?" You ask as you push him off your bed.

"Well I am going to sleep with you." he says.

"No your fucking not." You shoo him out of your room.

       Timeskip to morning

       You slowly awake by the feeling of roaming hands on you and you scream.

"MELIODAS WHAT THE HELL!" You yell. He freezes and a cheeky smile goes on his face.

"You didn't wanna wake up any other way so I had no choice." He giggles acting like an innocent baby.

        "Well, get up, we have to go meet the others." He says excitedly. You nod and you were about to start changing until you realized Meliodas was still there.

"Well.. get out." You say. Its like you got him out of a trance. Then he walked out.

       You did your morning routine and went outside with Meliodas. "So where exactly are your friends?" You ask. He thinks for a bit.

"They're at Hawks place." He said. Hawk sounded like a scary persons name. Maybe Hawk was one of the deadly sins.

Timeskip near Hawks house

       Your Pov(point of view)

        We have been walking for so long. My legs hurt so badly. Meliodas must have noticed my pain because he stopped walking. "Hey, you tired." He asks. I nod feeling too tired to say anything. He crouches down. "Here get on my back." He says. I don't want to put my weight on him so I shake my head. "I insist." He says kindly. I finally give in and get on his back.

         I didn't realize how tired I was until he carried me because as soon as I got lifted I fell asleep. Then everything was a blur until I heard people whispering around me. "She's waking up." I heard someone whisper. I open my eyes and there were people surrounding me. I look around and notice that I was on a bed.

Unknown Pov

         "Master, he got there before us. We have to get our princess back.." I say. I chuckle evilly. 'No one messes with our princess.' Meliodas must've heard me chuckle so he turned around, but I'm too quick to catch. We are going to have to deal with this later. Except this time we will have the whole crew 'evil laugh'.

Normal Pov

       You saw a girl with white hair, a boy with brown hair, another boy with raven hair, yet another boy with mint/pale blue hair, a guy with pink hair, a pig and a giant eye at the window. "Hi I'm Elizabeth." The girl with white hair said. "I'm King." The boy with brown hair said. "I'm Ban." The guy with white/mint hair said. (He reminds me of Laito) "I'm Gowther." The guy with the pink hair said. "That's Diane." King said pointing to the window outside. You saw a big hand wave and you waved back. "I'm Y/N." You say.

       Suddenly a little pig jumps on the bed and starts oinking. "Haha.. just kidding. I can talk. I'm Hawk." He says.

"Oh, why aren't you just a cute little piggy. Oh yes you are." You start playing with the little pig. The others are laughing while he goes dark pink in the face. Suddenly you heard loud rumbling.

//Would anyone like a sequel to this book.//
Interesting. What is that rumbling? Lol I left you at a cliff hanger. Oh well. Bye~

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