Challenge pt1

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I AM SO, SO, SO, SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!! Plus 300+ reads. So because of that I will make a two part chapter for you guys. Also message me if you want to be part of the story. All you do is tell me your name, what you look like, your personality, why you want to be in the story, and anything optional. Please follow, vote, and comment because it really inspires me and that will raise your chances of being in the story. Thanx for so much reads. Enough with the chit chat. On to the story.


You guys lie(?) on the ground tired from the crazy game. Your hair and clothes were currently drenched because just like snow clouds are water too (way to state the obvious). Suddenly your loud laughter fills the air.

Everyone looks at you confused. Well... everyone but one. You point to Meliodas and soon everyone joins in the laughter. You see an annoyed Meliodas getting his hair braded by Steph. You start rolling around in the ground because of laughing to much and your stomach starts to hurt.

Your laughter dies down and when you look at Meliodas he has two braided pigtails. You walk up to him in a teasing way. "Excuse me little girl, but are you lost." You say innocently. His face starts turning red and before you do anything you poke his nose and run.

You weren't running fast because of your laughter and because of that you ended up being tackled to the ground by a certain shorty. He pinned you to the ground and smirked. " You know, when your wet it makes you more hotter and your bra more visible."

You blushed 50 shades of red. From the corner of your eye you see Diane cross her arms and look away angrily. You sighed. You knew why. Either she is going to have to get used to it. Or you are going to have to tell Meliodas.


After  you guys had the intense battle Diane asked if she could talk to you. You agreed of course. "What's wrong Diane?" You asked cautiously. She had an angry look on her face. "Look ____, I'm sorry but I just can't hold it in anymore. I've had a crush on Meliodas for a while now,"

She pauses looking for your reaction but you give her a poker face so she continues. "And I  think that he deserves better. I know I will make Meliodas fall for me. He won't like you. He will be mine." She says cruelly.

You can't believe this. She was always nice to you in front of the others. This takes you aback. "Challenge accepted." You say glaring at her. You walk away feeling heartbroken. She lied all those times.

Now that you think about it her smiles were always a little weird when they were to you. Reminds you of your parents. Now isn't the time. I got a challenge that I am planning to win. No backing out now.


Meliodas looked at you in a daze. Then he saw a sigh come out of your lips. He saw you staring at an angry Diane and he got confused. Must be girl problems. Although curiosity got the best of him.

"____, are you ok?" You flinch and look back at him still on top of you. You force a smile and nod." I'm fine. No need to worry." You say faking it. He seems to buy it so he gets off the topic. Suddenly he slides one of his hands down to your waist. He whispers in your ear.

"I'm gonna make you mine tonight."


So I am picking a few people to be part of the story. All you have to do is message me or comment your name, height, age, appearance, personality, why you want to be in the story, and anything optional. Following, voting, and positive feedback will increase your chances. Thanx for reading.


Family  (Meliodas X Reader) //under editing//Where stories live. Discover now