Lost Relationships And New Relationships

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You stood there shocked. Your father died when you were younger. Anger took the best of you. This man is lying! "You liar!" You yell. "My father died when I was 5. Along with the rest of my family." You whisper the last part while looking down.

Both of them started chuckling then a lady walked in. She had an evil smile plastered on her face.

"Hello daughter." She says. You stand there shocked at what these imbeciles are saying. They started walking up to you in sync. You were backing up with every step they took until, of course, you reached the wall. Fright was drawn all over your face.

Meliodas's POV

We started searching for Y/N. I practically ripped out all of my hair already. 'Don't worry Y/N. We will find you' I silently pray to myself.

Out of nowhere I see a lightning bolt strike a big castle.

"When did that castle get there?" Diane says. She's right. I've never seen that castle there. The lightning is still striking that spot and it's giving me a gut feeling Y/N must be there.

"Does anybody else feel a Y/N vibe coming from the castle." I ask skeptically. The others pause for a second, thinking about it, then nod. I was right.

Diane puts us on her back and starts running towards the castle. Her loud steps attracting guards. All of them get into position while one of the guards runs inside. Then the battle starts.


Suddenly one of the guards come in as I take my chance to zap them. He swings at me with his sword and I move to the side making him cut off the chains instead of my arm.

"Thank you," I smile, " and goodbye." I jump out the window not thinking about how stupid that is.

"Meliodas CATCH!" I yell seeing Meliodas in sight.

I close my eyes tight waiting to fall hard on the ground until I don't feel the ground instead of a pair of strong arms holding me. I open my eyes and thankfully see Meliodas.

Hugging him tightly, I start sobbing onto his shirt. He rubs my back soothingly.

"I will always be there for you." He whispers. My sobs start turning into hiccups and then sniffles.

I feel someone fiddling with my hands and I see the cuffs being taken off my wrists. We all go in for a group hug. But of course every happy moment just has to be ruined.

Someone starts clapping and what we see could have made the devil himself bow down right then and there.

(Mind you I had never watched Harry Potter before writing this so it was all just a coincidence)

There, in front of us was a dragon that was black and (color other than black basically)f/c, but the f/c was slowly fading.

I felt some sort of bond, even though his face could make a ghost shit them self, he had kind e/c eyes and... fear? in them.

He had cuffs and chains on him that acted like a leash and a lightning bolt almost ... like my... birthmark. I had a lightning shaped birthmark on my forehead. I covered it with my bangs so no one could see it.

Suddenly my 'father' muttered something. It almost sounded like he said ... attack. Just like that the dragon flew towards us attacking us. We were quick but not quick enough.

The dragon was slowly catching up to me. Diane was about to jump in until I stopped running. I turned around and put my hand out in front of me and closed my eyes ready for the impact, but it never came.

I open my eyes a little bit to see the dragon right in front of me. It starts nuzzling its head in my palm. As I look closer I see the same lightning mark as my birth mark under the dragons eye.

Suddenly, my birthmark started glowing and the one on the dragon started glowing too. The f/c was slowly coming back as the black disappeared and the chains and cuffs broke off. He didn't look scary anymore. Instead he looked like the cutest little thing in the world.

Then our eyes started glowing as memories of my dragon came back.

It turns out I wasn't human. I was actually from another planet and I was a princess and only daughter. I was a little spoiled when I was young and I was starting to get bored being the only kid. So my REAL parents surprised me with a dragon.

I named him Stephon l/n. We grew up together but he still wasn't enough because dragons aren't human. So they adopted my brother Rin. We loved each other and were inseparable but on the morning of my 5th birthday everyone was gone. I woke up alone in the planet earth.. in the middle of nowhere.

I had nobody left so I had to get crazy jobs to get the village home I lived in.

After my vision was over I leaned my forehead on the dragon and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much Stephon." I whispered. He let out a growl to let me know the same. "But why... why did they LEAVE me." I asked directing it to my 'parents'.

"Well honey, nobody wants to deal with such an ugly, fat, annoying girl like you. (When you're actually all of those things in person fml) I don't think you will ever find a boyfriend, and I don't even think your little friends here like you ." The lady starts.

She looks down in faked sadness. "So sadly they asked us, but we couldn't say no to the offer because 1 billion dollars is enough to make anyone say yes." She says.

I look down, tears starting to well up in my eyes. "Y/N, don't you believe that old hag. You are beautiful." Says Diane. The others agree.

"Guys, you don't have to feel bad." I huff wiping my eyes. "It's ok if she is telling the truth." I whisper with a sad smile.

"Y/N! DON'T YOU DARE THINK LIKE THAT! You are the sexiest, prettiest, and most talented girl in the world! And you can forget about anyone not dating you because you already have a boyfriend." He says smugly while looking at me. I look at him, confused.

"It's me silly. I like you, and I am not taking no for an answer. So that means your MINE and I will protect you." As he says that he runs up to me but about a feet away Stephon starts growling.

"Shh, it's ok boy. He is not going to hurt us. Only them," I say glaring at my 'family'. "They are the bad guys." I say still glaring.

Meliodas cautiously walks up to me and hugs me. He is about to kiss me but I look away blushing shyly.

"What's wrong?" He asks with concern. I blush even more knowing its now or never.

"I.. umm.. I haven't had my first kiss yet." I whisper lowly trying not to be heard, but instead everyone heard and ended up laughing at me. I looked down in embarrassment. However, Meliodas pulled my chin up with his two fingers and leaned in slowly. That kiss became the start of something magical.

Thanks for following and please put more feedback it makes me inspired. And to my followers I will create a story dedicated to you so if you want one just ask. Thanx errbody ^0^

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