Daughter or Son

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Months later~

You were sitting on the hospital bed pushing. Yes its time. The baby is coming like right now. Meliodas is on your left while you're basically squeezing his hand to death. He doesn't care though because it's for the baby.

You push really hard again and out comes the baby. Your tensed body finally relaxes and you let out a big breath you were holding in. The nurse immediately takes the baby and cleans it and stuff. (I don't know.)

You were really excited and couldn't wait to see what the gender is going to be. The nurse then comes back with the baby and; here it comes.

Hold on

Not yet


Just a little bit more seconds (You: I hate you)

Aaaaaannnd (Me: No you don't ;)

"It's a girl." You look at Meliodas and smile. He hugs you and the baby and kisses you both. "I love my two princesses." He says smiling. The nurse coughs interrupting your love struck gaze that was fixed onto Meliodas." So what are you going to name her."

You look at Meliodas then at the baby. She had one of Meliodas's eye color on the left and one of yours on the right. Blonde hair with some h/c strands in there. And a beautiful little dimple on her left cheek.

"Angelina." You both said at the same time. A big grin made its way onto your face as you cheekily smiled at Meliodas and he did the same to you. The nurse nodded then left. The visitors then came in and Elizabeth was the most excited along with Diane.(In her human form of course)

"Where is she! Where is she!" Elizabeth yelled looking for the baby. "Calm down she's right here. And be quiet she's sleeping." Meliodas said annoyed a little. Me made an o.o face once she saw the cute little critter.

She carefully grabbed her from me and sat down next to me. "Oh my god she is soooo cute." Everyone else said. She slowly opened her eyes and her eye color surprised them. "Wow her eyes are beautiful." They said. Even Ban had an excited look on his face.

The whole day was just you on the hospital bed with the others surrounding you and playing with the baby and playing around. Visiting time was over and it was just you now. You stared at the ceiling and smiled lightly then you said a little prayer.

Thank you God so much for giving me

my precious baby. I couldn't have done

it without you or Meliodas. God bless

him and also thank you for giving me

him too. He is my king and she is my

princess. So Thank you~ Amen

Hey guys~ I hope you like this story. One of my friends wanted to be the baby so yeah. If you want to be part of the book just ask. Also you guys can give me ideas cause writers block is taking over. Alright. Bye~ ^0^

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