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It's been a year with having Angelina. You guys were in the worst shape possible. There were many days with sleepless nights and many days where none of you wanted to get up.

After people heard you had a baby they didn't try to cause much trouble because they know how hard being a father is and they took pity.

We also moved out of the boar hat because of that one incident.


"Meliodas I need you to take care of the baby." You say walking to the door. "OK honey." He says appearing behind you and giving you a kiss. (And also checks your HEART BEAT ;)

You were long gone out of there while you let Meliodas take care of your child. You just didn't know the big mistake you just made.

TIMESKIP (Still in flashback)

You were walking home to the boar hat after your day in the spa with the girls because they claimed that you were too stressed.

"We should surprise them." You said. You looked through the window checking if anyone was there. But what you saw made you scream. Litterally.

There you saw Angelina on top of a table with a bunch of drunk men surrounding her and one of them ready to give her beer.

You also see a very drunk Meliodas asleep on the counter. You run in faster than a lightning bolt (that is your power) and slap the guy in the face.

Everyone freezes and all the commotion wakes Meliodas. He looks towards your direction and his eyes widen. He is going to be in BIG trouble.

You just finished beating those guys to a pulp, well except two. You walked up to the guy who was going to give your baby beer.

He was backing up as you walked towards him with a scared expression on his face. "Listen here sir, if you ever thought giving a kid beer was the right decision then you obviously didn't go to school,"

You smirked evilly. "But you obviously didn't go to school because you want to know whose baby that belongs too," he shakes his head.

"Well that there is my baby and Mr. Lazyass Meliodas over here who couldn't take care of her." He made and O.O face and started shaking.

"And you want to know what I'm going to do to you." He shakes his head violently. "Oh well." You whisper. Not second later he is already knocked out on the floor.

Then you walked up to Meliodas and he was scared too. As you were in front of him you slapped him in the face and sent him flying to the other side of the room.

You grab the baby and went to yours and Meliodas's room and lock the door. You put the baby on the bed and check her for anything. She smelled of alcohol. Poor thing.

You let out a sigh and started crying. What if you couldn't come at the right time? What could've happened to your baby?

As you were sobbing into your pillow you didn't notice Angelina crawling to you and going on your back. "Mama mama." She said in her baby voice.

Your eyes widened. Those were her first words. That brought smile to your face and your tears slowly stopped. You turn your head to come face to face with little Angelina.

She gave you a kiss on your mouth and started giggling. That was enough to brighten up your day. Then came a knock on the door and you slowly whispered to Angelina the word no.

"N-no no no." She repeated. The first one was shaky but she got the hang of it. "It's me Elizabeth and Diane is here too. Please let us in. We are really worried about you."

You didn't answer because you were hesitant. "We know what happened. We just want to help. Please." She said begging. You gave in and walked to the door.

As soon as you opened it you were pulled into two warm hugs. You hugged them back and quietly sobbed. You let them into your room after the hug.

"Meliodas is a jerk." Diane says. Elizabeth nods in agreement. You let out a sigh and nod. Then you hear a quiet knock. Elizabeth goes to open it and as soon as she opens it she grows a dark aura.

"What do you want?" She ask with venom dripping out with every word. You definately knew who that was. " beg?" You couldn't hear his words correctly because he was whispering.

Elizabeth look at you for answer. You hesitantly nod. She moves aside and she and Diane immediately come to your side while Angelina is on the bed watching with big curious eyes.

He looks down in shame and then looks back up at you. His eyes were red and puffy like yours but his looked worse. "I'm so sorry ____. You gave me this responsibility and now you probably won't ever trust me again,"

"I know I was an idiot and all but I really meant it when I said I was sorry." He says with pleading eyes. You walk up to him and his stomach churns.

You put your head on his shoulder and a single tear escapes. "I forgive you. Just next time don't let anyone near my little girl." You say.

He hugs you and sighs. "Angelina said her first word." You say. All three of them gasp. "It was mama." Something slips in your hand and you look down.

It was... keys? "What are these keys for Meliodas?" You ask. "We have a new house. Just for the three of us." He grins.

Flashback ends

So that's how you ended up here. In a nice cozy house. For just the three of you.

             The end


        Well here is the next chapter.Please tell me how much you like the story. Sorry for the bad word but hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and coment. Also follow! Bye ^0^

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