Chapter 5

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-Sky Mansion-

You guys stared lovingly into each others eyes. So.. you weren't the type for cheesy moments like these, but you never imagined it to be like this. You were brought back to reality by the growl of Stephon. He must've been jealous. Typical Steph.

Then it dawned on you that you were battling people. But before getting back into the fight you wanted to get something clear. "Meliodas... am.. am I a Sin?" You whispered. He stared at you a little bewildered at your question, but, nonetheless he proudly replied that you are. "Good." You nodded approvingly. He stared at you, happily, then you jumped onto Steph's back. 

Both you and Stephon's eyes started to glow white. Then the glow went to your hair and Stephon's lightning bolt.

Stephon leaped up and flew high into the sky. All the way until you couldn't see them. "Welp. Looks like your little friend is a traitor." The lady smirks at us. She cackles while her husband joins in, creating an ear retching laugh. Suddenly all eyes move up to the sky as they see Stephon, you, and a flashing lightning bolt come down onto the castle and your 'family'. Their hands immediately fly up to meet their eyes, preventing the smoke and debris from entering, but when they open their eyes they're in the clouds. Literally.

Suddenly you and Stephon fly in. You had a f/c helmet with lighting bolts at the side and Stephon had f/c saddle and collar with the same lightning bolt. You took the helmet off and it disappeared. You start shaking your head to get your hair out of your face, coming through it once with your hand.

Meliodas Pov.

I stared around me, confused. How did we get up here. Guess Y/N is definitely the full package. 'Beautiful, nice boobs, awesome, nice boobs, great personality, nice boobs, funny... did I forget to mention nice boobs?' Just thinking about her makes me go insane. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a gust of wind as Stephon and Y/N fly up. Stephon slowly lands and Y/N hops down from his back. She looks like an angel. She takes off her helmet and I feel like the world slowed down as she shakes her hair. 

"Meliodas~ Meliodas~... MELIODAS!" I fall back as someone screams my name.

I blush noticing Y/N right in front of me. I was to caught up thinking about her that I didn't notice her walking over here. She looks at me expectantly while giving me a hand and I gladly appreciate it. "They are defeated." She says proudly. Looking at her, I notice that she has only one single cut on her right cheek.

 "Did you really mean it when you said I was a Sin too." She asks. 

"Of course! You're not just any Sin. You're my sin, and mine only." He says possessively lokign around at everyone.

She leaned in to hug me but Stephon got jealous and tried to push me, bad move. I fell. On top of her. My hands were on either side of her face holding me up, she was under me with her hands on my chest. I held myself there and looked at her widened eyes. Suddenly, we hear footstep and we see King blushing madly looking down at his feet. 

"S-Sorry d-did I interrupt something?" He says nervously. That's when I realize that I'm still on top of Y/N. I get off of her awkwardly. "No nothing happened I just fell that's all." I say, giving Stephon a curt look.

No ones POV

The rest of the crew came and the question was finally asked. 

"Y/N. Where are we?" Ask Ban still looking around, intrigued by his surroundings. You've been expecting that question. 

"Well-" you motion to the place, "This is my sky Mansion." They look at you, confused. " When I was little, a few months after Stephon learned how to fly, he brought me here. This is where I went when I needed time alone. This place has walls and only I and my soulmate-" She looks at Meliodas. "- can come in here, but if I wanted someone to come in they can." You say looking at everyone's reaction. They look around amazed as the clouds slowly started forming into furniture and walls. 

Now this is going to be fun.

Ok guys. As promised I updated today. Hope it isn't too short and enjoy.^0^

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