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Warning: This chap contains a little bit of abuse.          

Recap: Suddenly you heard rumbling outside.

No ones Pov.

       Everyone went to the window to go check what all that chaos was. Everyone... except you. Ok there was something going on, sure, but it was none of your concern, right?

Bad idea. A hand clasped over your mouth preventing you from screaming. You squealed and flailed and tried to kick. This guy was prepared though, as he had already tied you up. He looked like someone you knew.. but you didn't pay attention to that.

       Suddenly that guy was pushed off of you by Meliodas. You were slowly loosing consciousness as he had put something in the glove used to cover your mouth. Elizabeth tried to wake you up but suddenly the ropes that were now off of you clasped back on you and they started glowing.

Everyone stopped and watched while you slowly faded and you were transported somewhere else.

Meliodas's Pov

        We all went to go check out what was the noise except Y/N. Never doubt the laziness. Suddenly we heard a squeal and we turned. There was a guy grabbing Y/N.

I ran up to him and sent him flying with a strength I have never had before. I was surprised at my own strength. Suddenly Elizabeth gasped and what I saw made my blood run cold. Y/N was fading.

        After she fully faded I was ready to attack the guy, but he snapped his fingers and suddenly we couldn't move.

"My job here is done, and don't even bother looking for her, because daddy came back for his little girl.. and he won't be happy when I tell him who she was with." He said with a raspy voice. He suddenly vanished and we were left shocked, shitting our pants.

Y/N's Pov

       I woke up in a f/c bed with pink pajamas on. The room was fairly big and pictures of me and a boy were on the wall. 'Who.. who was he? And where am I?!'I thought urgently. I went to go open the door but something on my wrists didn't let you go further.

I looked to my hands to see chains attached to them. I felt a surge of tingled go through my body. Just like every time felt threatened. The tingles moved across my body and stopped in the palm of my hands.

       I tried to make the feeling go away but it got stronger as I heard footsteps making their way towards the room I was in. I froze while the footsteps stopped at my door for a few seconds. Then they walked away. My hands started glowing and I tried rubbing them together to get rid of it, but it wasn't working. Suddenly, hands snaked around my waist. I stopped rubbing my hands and placed them on the strangers hands. Surprisingly they started shocking him like lightning, and not just my hands but my whole body.

       Then I stopped and he fell beside me. I looked at him and he grinned. He transported out of the room quickly, while I silently prayed that no more people would come in.

'What was that' I thought. Suddenly two men entered the room. One wearing a crown while the other was the same guy from last time. He was slightly twitching and I smirked to myself at my work.

The crowned man started walking up to me. He grinned and touched my face making me grimace in disgust.

"Don't touch me you bastard." I spit out bitterly.

       He smiles wickedly and his next words give me chills. "Just like the old days... daughter."

Oh my glob. This is crazy. Reader-chan you have a father but why didn't you ever talk about him and who was that other boy? Find out soon. Flood in the comments more often it gives me lots of inspiration.  Bye~

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