Challenge pt2

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"I'm gonna make you mine tonight."

Those words kept repeating over and over in your head. You couldn't help concealing the blush rising to your cheeks, but what made it worst was that everyone else heard it. King kept teasing you the whole day.

Talk about the Devil. "Ooh ___, it's night time now!! Time for you and Meliodas to do Netflix and chill." King screams loudly. "Shut up and go confess to Diane!!" You say blushing. His face turns tomato red and he immediately leaves.

You walk to your room and sit on the stool using the computer. You can't help but to blush thinking about what Meliodas would look or how big-" Don't think like that ___!" You whisper to yourself.

Suddenly hands snake around your waist and hold you firmly. "Thinking about tonight." Meliodas says in a seductive voice. You stutter not knowing what to answer. He chuckles in a hot way. "Well let's get this night started."

(Sorry guys, if you want a lemon just comment and let me know)

-Morning time-

You woke up with feeling a tingling sensation in between Meliodas' claimed hideaway (your breasts/boobs). You looked down and to your surprise you see Meliodas basically digging his face in your chest.

You also notice you guys are only in underwear. Just thinking about what you did last night you blush like crazily. Your shifting awoke the sleeping beauty next to you. He looked into your eyes for a few minutes.

None of you wanting to break their gazes. Suddenly he leaned in and pulled you into a passionate kiss. It was breath taking. You guys were interrupted by knocking coming from the door.

You took Meliodas's shirt and put it on. When you opened the door you were greeted by an annoyed Ban with dark circles under his eyes. "You guys were so LOUD last night." He says. You blush looking down.

You suddenly felt like you had to vomit ( I just ate a sandwich ;_;) so you quickly pushed past Ban and ran to the bathroom. Everyone was alerted by that and quickly followed you. You puked into the toilet while Elizabeth held your hair back so it wouldn't be in your face.

You vomited a couple of times and then you sat next on the floor. This happened for three weeks straight. Meliodas kept urging you to go to the doctor but you just thought it was a common illness.

-3 months later-

You were crying in the bathroom. You didn't know what to do, you were scared, and you were nervous. You are pregnant and you and Diane are friends again.

-Flashback yesterday-

I just finished throwing up again and Meliodas told me to go take a rest. I had done a pregnancy test and it came out positive, so I just really needed to sit down and think. I don't want to tell anyone yet though.

I sat down on my bed and as I was about to lye down something tapped on my window. I looked to the window and saw Diane.

Her face showed guilt and happiness. "___, I am so, so, SOOOO, sorry. It was really stupid and selfish of me to say that to you knowing that he cares about you more than himself. I have moved on and I am dating King"

She pauses and frowns." Please don't take anything personally I was too selfish to realize that King liked me and I hope we can be friends." She says looking at me pleasingly. I am still mad but she is kind enough to apologize so...

"Yes we can still be friends." I say smiling. Her smile brightens and she jumps up and down. "Really! Thanks ___!" She says running off like a four year old who's mom just say she can eat ice-cream.


I am really nervous. I hope this doesn't change the relationship between us. 'Maybe he won't like me anymore' 'he doesn't want a baby' thoughts like that ran through my head the whole day. Tomorrow I'm telling him.

Update: no more Melinda (ugly laughing) if you didn't know Melinda was the typo my phone gave me every time I wrote Meliodas XD

Reader-Chan is Prego. Uh-oh. Author-nim wants to tell you K-pop readers out there to go follow kimerinchii17 and read her story of K-pop imagines because it is awesome. She is great and you can request too. Bye ^0^

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