Netflix and Confused... #13

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*3 days before your birthday*

y/n POV

You had your usual breakfast with y/bf. You look really pale and exhausted. Y/bf realised it and seemed curious about it. "Hey, y/n.. what happened to you.. you didn't told me about yesterday. Explain to me everything.." y/bf/n asked in a fretful manner. 

"How could they... how could they even to this to me... being MIA for almost a week and suddenly that popped out of nowhere in that restaurant!" You almost flipped the table being discontented.

"y/n! relax sit down! who are 'they' exactly?..." y/bf/n tried to cool you down and see you started crying.

"It was the boys... The Sidemen... I thought I was dreaming but I was wrong... After dinner, I just stormed off and just went back here..." you said feeling dull.

Y/bf hugged you while you cried on her shoulders when suddenly there's a bell. Y/bf went to opened the door. It was a delivery man with a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Y/bf collected it and gave it to you. You saw a note but you ignored it and ate the chocolates with y/bf while watching movies. The both of you didn't do much except feeling sluggish at the hotel. There's a lot of movies so it's sorta a movie marathon for you both. 

Yet, you still forgot about your birthday in three days time! It's 11pm and that was the last movie. You didn't read that note even though it is important. "Let's go to sleep, it's going to be your cheerful day tomorrow!" y/bf/n said feeling hyped.

"What's tomorrow?" you answered while yawning.

"You'll find out! For now have a good sleep okay? Don't think too much! rest well!" y/bf said while giving you a hug and wink.

You went to your bedroom not thinking of anything and closing your eyes slowly.

To Be Continued...

A/N: thanks for 400 views! didn't expect that it is going so well! I hope you guys are enjoying so far! Stay tuned! :)

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