The gift (part 2) #19

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Everyone stands around you to see how you reacted...

(Basically, the video is how they planned this trip for you: [I'll summarise it out]

Part 1: y/bf/n and Chris find Kyle to become the driver, find your dresses, plan the route.

Part 2: Gathering the boys about the plan and a little of their adventures

Part 3: y/bf and you vlogging around Paris vs the boys vlog

Part 4: A wish from every single one including y/bf

Part 5: y/bf said, "y/n, please stand up and turn around"


You laughed and figuring out why must you do that. You focused too much on the video till you didn't realise about the people around you. Then there was silence and it was weird. So you looked saw everyone standing in front of you. You looked over at y/bf, she shook her head to signal you to do what she said in the video.

So you did what she said. When you turned around and saw Chris standing with his hands at the back. Staring at his beautiful green eyes. You got lost by looking at them.

"y/n, you know it's been 2 years and this is the perfect time to do this. I'm sorry for what I did and that stupid stuffs to hurt you. I'm sorry to leave you without your permission for a week. I fell in love with you because you aren't like the other girls. You prefer to look natural and even people look up to you, you aren't the type of person who is pretentious. I don't care about what others say about your looks or whatsoever" as he kneels down and shows you a small box whilst opening it, "y/f/n (your full name), as long as you're mine, nothing will stand in our way, will you marry me?" he looked nervous as he was scared that you were going to say no.

 I don't care about what others say about your looks or whatsoever" as he kneels down and shows you a small box whilst opening it, "y/f/n (your full name), as long as you're mine, nothing will stand in our way, will you marry me?" he looked nervou...

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"SAY YES, SAY YES, SAY YES" everyone was shouting repeatedly.

You cried and slapped Chris (not that hard), "You idiotic, incredible human. Of course! Don't ever do this again you jerk. But this was a great trip" he smiled and puts the diamond ring on your ring finger.

 But this was a great trip" he smiled and puts the diamond ring on your ring finger

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Chris wiped your tears and hearing everyone celebrating at the background. He kissed you passionately and your heart just exploded and dropped in a million pieces and turned into fireworks.

"I love you so much y/n" Chris whispered and started kissing you again and pull you in closer.

"I love you till infinity" you muttered in the middle of kissing.

"errrr ok guys please go get a room if you wanna make out that way..." y/bf shouted and everyone die laughing.

The End...


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