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Anastasia POV

"Had a great time girls"! I shout outside the window of a taxi cab.

My head was spinning from the amount of alcohol I had drank with the girls tonight. The taxi cab had came to a stop on the street few houses down from mine.

"Tha-nk youuu"! Closing the door behind me I stumble upwards to my house.

Being intoxicated really had it's pros and cons, right now was one of those were it's cons. My eyes wonder as I walked towards home that's till I seen within an alleyway of two houses a stranger.

Didn't think any of it until I heard someone call my name. Turning back to hear the voice once again, with a confuse expression I went back to the alleyway to investigate.

"Hello"? I managed to call out still drunk crazy.

Seeing no where here, my eyes searched every area and like I said before no one. Letting out a long sigh in annoyance for even believing I had seen someone.

Shrugging it off I turn to make my way back until I'm met face to face with the stranger I had seen earlier.

"Oh I'm sorry, haha I knew I seen someone ". Squinting my eyes for better vision the stranger looked at me with a grin.

"Now love don't you know it's dangerous to go wondering around alone. Especially this late at night"?

I wasn't sure if it was me being drunk but his eyes weren't like a regular human's eyes. The pupils had covered his entire eyeball.

"Well I best be heading home now. I shouldn't have walked off alone". Taking a step back but he grabs hold of my arm.

He chuckles eyes changing back to normal. But the color of his iris glowed, fear had begun to feel my body due to the fact his grip tightened.

"We both know that's not gonna happen darling". I push away yet I'm pulled back only to be lifted off my feet.

"Let me go"! I let out a scream

"No can do, I was out here for a reason". His nose tickles along my neck feeling him inhale my scent.

His hot breath tickles my neck staying on a certain spot. "I'm thirsty and you happen to smell amazing now". Eyes water when a wince of pain surprises my body.

A red dark liquid trickle down and I began to feel tired. He stopped holding me in his arms still, my eyes blink slowly seeing him lick his lips.

"Harry we need to get going now. Liam is waiting for- shit you got one". This other unfamiliar person came towards us.

Still in the arms of Harry I believe his name was I lied weak still feeling my blood leak out.
My vision began to get blurry and the last thing I heard was..

"Let's just take her, we can't keep leaving bodies here people are already suspicious about us".

Eyes flutter open, I lift myself up with a wince in pain my hand touches my neck being sore. Pulling back my hand seeing blood in my palm with panic inside me quickly on my feet now.

Trying to gain back strength to only fall onto my knees. Still I push myself and try to make it at least to the door up five steps I grab hold of the knob begin to use the rest of my strength to pull or push the door.


I wait for a minute until the door opens revealing Harry again, in fear taking a few steps back. He walks inside closing the door behind him and takes a step only two steps keeping us apart. My body shives by his presence, first thing I could think of was to beg to he let free.

"Please.. just let me go. I swear on my life I won't tell anyone o- I'm sorry sweet heart but you did this to yourself once you decided to walk into an alley way by yourself".

Tears falls down my warm cheeks, what was I thinking? Oh, wait. I wasn't because I was intoxicated from drinking so much. Still apart of me should've known better when going  anywhere alone was a bad idea.

"Don't cry, once Liam decides what we should do with you most likely death but, hey! You had a good time before all this". He shrugged rolling his eyes.

I glared at him my tears drying up. He chuckled at the change of my attitude and walked down the steps slowly. My heart jumped, tripping I fall back onto the cold ground. Harry was on the bottom creeping over eyes glowing like before.

"You know"? He says looking up pinching his pink lips.

He kneels down in front of me picking up my face with my chin to look directly at him.

"I'm pretty thirsty, mind if I have another taste of your sweet blood".

Body trembles but quickly react by pushing him away and standing up to make a run for it. Not quick enough though, he wrapped an arm around my waist having my back push to his chest. Trying to pry his arm off it's like the arm is glued to my body.

"Shhh don't worry maybe in the process you'll just die ". He whispers ramming his fangs into the left side of my neck.

Still I try to fight pushing and kicking, my voice was hurting so much from screaming. Felt the blood in my throat, the same affects were happening. Vision blurry, the little energy I once had completely vanished.

Everything in me became limp, he pulled away taking a moment to speak.

"Hmm best tell Liam we don't need to worry anymore".

Like a wounded animal my body was placed down onto the floor. My breathing was now decreasing just like the energy I had. I knew my body was shutting down, this was it. Death was seeking me sooner than I expected, the door closed after Harry had lied me down.

"We cant keep hiding these bodies Harry".

"Don't stress Liam I've taken care of it, if you want I'll get rid of the body this time".

"Harry you idiot, is she dead"?

"I mean? She aren't looking the best, you can go check for yourself".

My eyes were closed but my ears heard the entire conversation above. Foot steps were leaving one area and now at the door to the basement, the door was creaking before it being pulled open.

I sensed two people were now coming down the stairs. In a fast pace though, with what it felt like a hand touched my face.

"Harry she could be a child"! An unfamiliar voice shouted, it spooked me so my eyes opened.

Brown eyes looking at me belonging to some stranger. He looked surprised to see me alive, I slightly moved one of my hands to touch his arm. He was kneeled in front of me so it wasn't much energy needed.

"Please don't let me die"..

That was the last thing I said before taking my last breath.

My body jerked a little, my body shot up in my bed breathing heavy. It's a  feeling you'd get when you feel your body falling. Placing my hand on my chest trying to control my rapid breathing.

"Fuck..". I take a breath, "it was just a dream".
I chuckled a little by the crazy dream my mind had created.

Right when I said that unfamiliar voices were heard outside the door. Confused did mom and dad invite friends over? Pushing the covers off my body I get up walking over towards the door. Placing my ear on the door these voices sorta sound familiar.

"Hey mom? Dad? What's go-

Just when I thought it was a dream there stood Harry.


Been a while loves, leave me comments for what you think of this new and improved Afraid.


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