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******IMPORTANT NOTE: Adult Sexual contact will be written. If you are reading this under the age 18 or younger I warn you now. Other than that continue on my readers. ****************

Anastasia POV

Harry's hands slide up the shirt that was his, revealing all of myself to him. I wasn't a virgin, but being with Harry right now made it feel like I was. What are these feelings I had when Harry was around. They weren't the same feelings I had for Louis, with Harry he made me feel alive. Something within began a fire, his touch gave me chills all among my body. Kissing Harry felt so good, couldn't get enough from his touch that I wanted to switch. He allow me to saddle on top, sliding off his last remains of clothing we were now both naked.

My eyes never left Harry's, we were staring at one another until Harry sat up just to brush my hair with his fingers. He's been so caring to me since he brought me back, once in a while when everyone is around he acts heartless, but with me he's different. Harry's heart broken, with my help I'll heal him. Because I feel like Harry is the one who I truly do like.


Why'd you have to hurt me, why didn't you tell me. You lied to me. All the thoughts of Louis stopped instantly once Harry spun us so I was back to being on the bottom. With both hands he slide them underneath my thighs pulling me closer towards him. I could feel the tip of his penis rub against the outside of my inner thigh. This was really happening, he lean towards me connected our lips, one hand holding himself up and the other cupping my cheek.

"Ready"? He asked pulling away to look at me.

I bite my lip nodding, his eyes keep looking into mine. Harry positioned himself and with one thrust my body jerks. He stop within the moment to look at me, "am I hurting you"?

"Yes". Answering, he pulls away from me taking my hand in his. Confused to what he was doing I'm lying on my side.

"Here lie down like this". Staying still Harry lies behind me, his hand hooks itself under on of my legs lifting it up. Looking back at him he smiles kissing me once again, he thrusts once more. It was adjusting to Harry that my body ache for, still kissing him I pulled away to let out a silent like moan. In the corner of my eye I could tell Harry was smiling.

Seeing me being pleasured must've made him cocky. When saying that he aggressively began to speed up, it was all so overwhelming for me.
Suddenly, his arms wrap around my torso lifting my body up from the side to us sitting with me on top. He was still inside me through the change of position. His hands held my love handles, guiding me to move the pace Harry preferred.

I knew he was getting pleasure out of this, bits of cursing would leave his lips whenever we weren't making out. Throwing my head back, the small amounts of pleasure that I gave myself each time, it came a moment Harry asked if I like being fucked by him. Time to time in a different position he'd ask me a question sexual or not it was making me think he actually wants more out of this. Back with me under him Harry continues to thrust. My nails dug into his back pulling him close to me.

"Don't stop"! I huff, he grunts moving Harry's eyes were pitch black and within my blood I felt a shot of bliss. My toes curled up as Harry finishes, this feeling that tighten within me had released itself.

Both of us lied there, Harry having his arms around me. Basically my body was on top of his, our legs tangled my index finger ran up and down his chest. Taking breathes as he rubs my lower back looking up at the ceiling as for me, my sight was on the tattoos he had on his arm.

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