Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"So long to all my friends. Every one of them met tragic ends. With every passing day, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I miss them all tonight. And if they only knew what I would say if I could be with you tonight. I would sing you to sleep, never let them take the light behind your eyes."


I woke up the next morning covered in blankets, and a killer headache. My phone began to ring not long after, and I groaned, but picked up anyway. It was my mother.

"Hi, mom." I said, trying to gain my normal voice.

"Hi, Bree. How's Mitch?" Oh, yeah. My mom doesn't care about me. She always loved Mitch. Just him. That's all we ever talk about, not that I cared much.

"Dead." I said.


"Mitchell Adam Lucker, my best friend, is dead mother." I snapped. The line was silent.

"Oh." She replied finally, and then I heard an audible click, meaning the call was ended. Bitch.

I set my phone back on my bed, and got up to examine myself in the mirror once more. I didn't know why I kept doing it, because I hated it so much. Mitch used to say I was beautiful no matter what, and nothing could change that. I stared at my horrifying reflection. "Am I pretty now, Mitchell?" I asked no one in particular.

"Bree?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around quickly, only to see Austin standing in my doorway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We agreed on going to breakfast with me and Alan last night, and you told me to just come in because you didn't know when you'd wake up." He examined my boney, and cut up body. He didn't look disgusted or horrified. He looked worried. He made the same face Mitch always did. "You are pretty.." He said. "Don't you think so?" Austin questioned.

"Look at me. I'm not. Mitch had seen me at my worst, and was lying to my face every single day, telling me I was beautiful all the time." I whispered. I wrapped my arms around my torso, and looked myself over in the mirror again.

"Austin?" I heard someone shout from downstairs.

"We're up here!" He shouted down the stairs to his friend. I heard footsteps running up the stairs to my bedroom, where Austin was standing in the hallway.

"Austin, remember how all my mom ever called me for was either to talk to or about Mitch?" I asked, pulling on another shirt, and then a sweatshirt.

"Yeah." He answered.

"She called this morning. I told her he was dead, then she hung up on me."

"Seriously?" He shouted. I nodded, and hung my head slightly.

"Awe, I'm sorry." Alan cooed, and gave me a sympathetic look.

"So, are we gonna go?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Alan shouted. He stood with his back facing me, and bent down a bit, offering a piggy back ride. I hopped on, and he ran down the stairs, with Austin following close behind and laughing.

He set me down outside their car, and I got in the back seat. I looked at both of the boys, and smiled slightly. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. It's like when Mitch and I had first met. He stopped me from killing myself, and he became me best, and only friend throughout high school. "Thank you, guys." I whispered. They both looked at me weirdly. "You guys are so amazing. I can't thank you enough, I wouldn't still be here if it weren't for you too pestering me all the time. I love you guys." I kissed them both on the cheek, and sat back in my seat.

They both smiled, and Austin started the car. I took my phone out of my pocket, and for the first time since the accident started going through my pictures. I stopped on a picture I took a few months ago while Jolie was out of town. Mitch, Kenadee, and I were all at dinner. They were sitting on one side, and I was on the other, and he was teacher her how to use chopsticks. (Picture to the side.)

I kept scrolling, and saw a picture of us at a carnival a few years back. I loved Mitch. Not as in like love, but like a brother, and a best friend.

We finally arrived at the little diner we were going to eat at. I got out, and walked in between the boys, staring at the ground. Austin opened the door for us, and Alan led me in.

We sat at a booth near the back. I sat next to Alan, and Austin sat facing us. The made small conversation until the waitress came over to take our order. She looked like one of those fake chicks who came to one of Mitch's concerts just to try to get with him.

She looked each of them over, and smiled 'seductively.' "What can I get you two?" she chewed her gum way too loudly for my liking.

"There are three of us." Austin said, matter-of-factly.

"Whatever." She muttered. "What can I get you?"

"You can go first, Bree." Alan urged. I shook my head. "I'll have pancakes, and sausage. And she'll have a pancake." He ordered for me. I wasn't hungry.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes for a few seconds, then reopened them. "I wasn't hungry, asshole."

"Yes, you are. You haven't eaten since that night. I know that for a fact. You're just hurting yourself at this point." He barked, which made me snap my head up, wide-eyed.

I simply nodded, still wide-eyed. The waitress came back moments later with all of our food. I picked at my food, as the boys scarfed down theirs. When we all finished, they invited me to watch their band practice. I accepted their offer, and we drove to Phil's house shortly after.

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