Chapter 14

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I decided to update again because I have no life, and no school.

Chapter 14

"I'm a walking travesty, but I'm smiling at everything..."

We spent the rest of that day packing his things, and ate pizza for dinner at about ten. He ended up falling asleep at about 12. Me on the other hand, couldn't sleep if my life depended on it, and I don't know why. I sat at the windoe, staring out into the night while I heard him tossing and turning the entire time, probably looking for something to cuddle into. He tends to do that. It was about 2:30 when the rain started. It wasn't a really heavy rain, but enough that there was a lot of thunder and lightning. I felt something rub against my leg, and saw MIttens looking intently up at me. I lifted the cat up, and set it on my lap. I fell asleep petting the fluffy animal, and leaning against the window.

I felt someone shaking me lightly, and saying my name. "Bree?" Alan said.

I pried my eyes open, and smiled tiredly at him. "What's up?" I asked in horrid voice. I cleared my throat, and tried again. "Sorry, what's up?"

"Why are you sleeping at the window?" He asked, a bit concerned. "Come back to bed." I simply nodded, and let him help me stand up. He pulled me over to the bed, and we laid down. I was lying on my back, and he was on his side, facing me. He slung his arm across my waist, and laid his head on my shoulder, falling fast asleep again. I laid there, still awake, for a good hour before the alarm on his phone went off. I quickly turned it off, and shook him awake lightly, just like he had for me. He slowly woke up, and stretched his limbs over my body before sitting up. He smiled at me, and looked at me curiously. "Did you sleep after you came back to bed?" He asked, his morning voice getting the best of him. It was quite sexy. I simply nodded, and smiled.

We stood up, and changed quickly. "You never did answer my question this morning. Why were you by the window?" He asked, after pulling his jeans on.

"I couldn't sleep, so I was looking out the window, and I guess I just fell asleep." I shrugged, and pulled a t-shirt over my head. He just nodded, and made sure everything was in his suitcase. I shoved my dirty clothes in my own, and waited for him by the door. There was a loud honk outside, and Alan came running towards me, a suitcase dragging behind him. He kissed my cheek as he ran out the door, and straight to the tour bus. I laughed for minute before getting my bag, turning off the lights, and locking the front door. I ran to the bus, and got a bunch of weird looks.

"Why'd it take you so long?" Alan asked, flopping on the couch.

"Someone decided to leave every single light in the house on, and the door unlocked." I scoffed, and looked down at my bag. "Where do I put this?" I asked.

"I'll show you." Austin said, leading me down the bunk hall. He pointed to a bottom bunk, and smiled. "We figured you, being the shorty, wouldn't want to climb into bed every night." He said, before running away.

"Oh, fuck you, Carlile!" I yelled after him. He just laughed. I set my suitcase on the ground, and walked back to where all the guys were sitting. Tino was already asleep, and Alan looked like he was about to be. I laughed, and poured myself a bowl of cereal. By 8 am, all the guys had fallen back to sleep, which left me the only one awake besides whoever was driving the bus. I decided to play xbox for a while, and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Skyrim unopened in the drawer of the coffe table. I set it in the tray, and played for a while. I got pretty far, and when I began getting bored, I tried to save and literally screamed when they had no space left on their hard drive.

"You little shits!" I screamed.

"What!? What happened?" Austin popped up, looking alarmed, and also kicking me in the back, seeing as I was sitting by his feet.

"You have no space left in your fucking memory! Oh my god!" I said, rather loudly.

Austin just laughed, and turned back over on the couch. I simply sighed, turned off the xbox, and laid down across the side of the couch, trying not to have my face right next to his feet. Mine only reached to the middle of his back, which made me upset, but eventually I fell asleep.

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