Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Your past has you in a choke hold, you deserve it from what I've been told..."


"Holy fuck, don't be stupid! There's obviously something in the closet, don't open it! Oh, my god! White girls are so fucktarded! Shit!" I yelled at the tv.

"Why are you yelling?" Alan asked, emerging from my room and rubbing his eyes.

"White girls are dumb." I said, flipping off the tv. "When do we leave for your tour again?"

"The day after Christmas." He said, flopping down next to me on the couch.

"Fun. Are you sure you want me to go? I don't want to wear out my welcome." I said.

"Jesus, Bree! You're fine. Just come with me." He laughed.

"If you're sure."

"I'm positive!"

"Fine. So, what do you want to do today?" I asked, poking him in the side.

"I dunno. What do you want to do?" He did the same.

"I haven't finished Christmas shopping. Wanna come with?"

"Sure." He shrugged.

I nodded, and let him get dressed while I brushed my teeth. I pulled on my shoes and jacket, and grabbed my bag. We made our way out to my car, and I drove to the nearest record store. When we got out, I slung my bag over my shoulder, pulled my hood up, and zipped up my jacket to break the cool wind. Alan repeated my actions, and grabbed my hand. Inside, he ran to the back somewhere while I flipped through the vinyls' rack. When I came across Mumford & Sons' Babel and Lamb of God's Resolution, I picked the both up and held them while I continued to look around. I found Linkin Park's Meteora and Hybrid Theory because I remember Kellin said he loved those.

I paid for the records, and looked over at Alan, who was chatting excitedly to a worker about his band. I smiled, and walked over to him. He talked with a bunch of eager hand gestures, and eventually swung his arm around me. He introduced me to the boy, his name was Jake, and continued talking with him.

We left eventually, and drove to a store which sold a dress that Kena said she wanted a while back. I got her that, and then we went to lunch.

We got to the same diner that we'd gone to a few days after Mitch died. We went inside, and the same girl was our waitress. She still gave me the evil eye, but I just smiled.

"I love your eyes when you grin at people." Alan said randomly, when the girl was still in earshot.

"Hmm, thanks Ashby." I smiled at him, and blushed slightly, hoping it wasn't noticeable.

"What else do you want to do today?" He asked, taking a hold on my hand, and playing with my fingers.

"I'm thinking about visiting my sister.." I mumbled. His head snapped up.

"You want to visit Claire?" He asked, looking worried. I nodded. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, I think if I'm going to see her, I should do it alone. I miss her, and Im not sure how she is right now." I said, shaking my head slightly.

He sighed. "Okay."

Our food came, and we ate while making small talk. When we finished, I dropped Alan off at his house, and drove down the road.

I took in a long breath before getting out of the car when I got into the parking lot. I stepped out into the harsh wind, and made my way to the sliding doors, which opened when I got close. I walked up to the desk, and put a fake smile on my face when the lady noticed me.

"Bree! Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" She asked, taking my visitor's pass from the drawer, and handing it to me.

"I've been well. How have you been, Mary?" I asked, taking the piece of plastic.

"I've been okay. I hope she's good for you today; she's been crazy lately." She smiled sadly as I walked to the elevator, and pressed the up button.

I reached the floor which I knew to well. I glanced down at the pass.

Name: Bree Marie Lincoln
Age: 23
Visitor to: Claire Lee Lincoln - College Hospital Costa Mesa - Adult Psychiatric Ward

The doors opened, and I walked down the hallway. I reached the desk, flashing my pass. "Claire Lincoln." I stated.

"142-B." The nurse said, pointing behind me, down a hall. I sighed, and turned on my heels, heading to the room.

I knocked on the door, and opened in slowly, revealing my younger sister, sitting on her bed.

"Bree?" She raised her eyebrow, and began smiling.

"Hey, Claire." I said, running over to her, and pulling her into a tight hug.

"I missed you!" She said, and I sat down next to her.

"I missed you, too." I replied.

"How've you been?"

"Horrible." I said, looking out the small window.

"Why?" She questioned, rubbing my back.

"Mitch died last month." I mumbled.

"Oh, Bree. I'm so sorry." She gasped.

"Don't be. I brought you something." I said, eyeing the CD player in the corner.

"What is it?"

I pulled out two CDs I'd bought for her a while back. The Killer's Sam's Town, and The Black Crown by Suicide Silence. She squealed, and hugged me tight, taking the CDs and setting them on the night stand.

"How've you been doing, Claire?" I asked.

"I've been fine, well, that's what I think. The doctors seem to disagree with that. I haven't had any problems in the last month." She stated proudly.

"You seem to be doing better." I smiled, and rubbed her arm, over the still noticeable, white scar that laid vertically down from her wrist to her inner elbow.

"I am." She repeated, pulling me into another hug.

"Visiting hours are over, ma'am." A young man, a nurse, said from the doorway.

"Okay." I waved him off, and turned back to my little sister. "I'll be back after Christmas." I said, standing up, and kissing her forehead. "Be good. The doctors said you should be out soon." I warned.

"I will. I love you, Bree." She said hugging me one last time.

"I love you, too, Claire-bear."

With that, I left the hospital, and drove back to my apartment.


Hey, guys! I wanna add a new girl character. She's going to be an old friend of Bree and Mitch's from high school. if you're interested, please fill out this form thingy :)

Hair color:
Nickname (if you have one):
Favorite band:
City where you live in the story: since you're gonna be visiting from said city
Eye color:
Band member who you're dating (it doesn't matter what band. I'll do research on them if I don't know them so pick anyone):

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