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"Dean?" You asked breathlessly, looking into the face of a man you still considered a close friend. Even if he couldn't stand the sight of you, he would always have a special place in your heart. Currently sprawled in his lap, your energy completely zapped from transferring so many souls in such a short time. Truthfully, you weren't sure you could move from you spot, even if he tried to kill you.

"Hey Y/N, didn't expect to see you here. But then again, you are a Reaper, so..." He muttered, his hands on your waist, steadying you. Making no move to shove you off of his lap.

Trying to gather your strength to move of his lap, you sighed. Hating the fact you were so weak in front of Death, and Dean. "Why? Didn't Sam tell you? He knew I was with Death."

"Yeah, our relationship hasn't exactly been great since that night." Dean admitted, his green eyes red rimmed and guilty. It was easy to see that being at odds with his brother was eating him alive.

With his hands still on your waist, Dean gently lifted you to the wooden seat next to him. Lifting your gaze up to Death, you watched as he dished out a slice of pizza, setting it down in front of you. "Eat Y/N. There were too many souls for one Reaper, and you need to regain your strength."

Following orders, you took a bite of the pizza, moaning as the flavors floated over your tongue, spicy, yet somewhat sweet, with the sauce  and the toppings. It was your first time trying pizza, and it tasted amazing. Dean chuckled beside you, reminding you how much you had missed the hunter in the week you had been gone. Not as much as you missed Sam though. Missing Sam was like missing the sun, and all of it's glorious warmth. "Is that your first slice of pizza?" Dean asked, but now that you were feeling more normal, you could detect a hint of unease and nervousness in his voice, and in the way he was sitting in the chair, his slice hardly touched in front of him.

"Yeah, but I don't know why I waited so long." You answered, feeling a million times better. "I think I'm in love." 

"Hey, no cheating on Sammy!" Dean argued, before turning silent once again, and you looked his way, surprised at his teasing tone. Here it was, over a week after he had kicked you out, and he was acting as if nothing had happened.

"Excuse me, but you two will have plenty of time for catching up later. I think we have something more important to talk about. Like this." Death scolded, rubbing his ring.

Gulping, Dean glanced your way, his hand nervously clenched around his fork. It wasn't often you saw the tough hunter nervous over something, but Death had that affect on people.  You stayed  silent off to the side, knowing this wasn't your conversation. "First, can you please call off the storm? These people are all innocent, they don't deserve to die." Dean pleaded with Death, and you waited to see Death's reaction.

Death steepled his fingers together. "Fine. I do think it would be a pity to level a town that makes such amazing pizza." And with that the storm outside slowed down, sunshine filtering through the evaporating clouds, shining down on the cracked and littered sidewalk.

"No, about this ring, I think we need to have a talk before I let you have it." Death announced.

You finished off your slice of pizza, and one more, all the while listening to Death's one sided conversation. Dean sat there, quietly taking it all in, but when Death came to his final comment, his main rule, you watched as Dean's entire body tensed up, his face flushed.

"Dean, you need to promise that you won't stand in the way. That when the time comes, you will let Lucifer occupy Sam's body, trapping them both in the cage. That's the only way." Death ordered, and you gulped. You had known all along that Sam was Lucifer's true vessel, but hearing Death talk about it so easily made you realize that it was real, and it was happening.

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