Chapter 8

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 'Ugh. Why is my head pounding?' Levi opened his eyes to a blurry room. Blinking away sleep, he lifted his head. 'This isn't my house...' He reached up to rub his eye. His arm was covered with words, pictures and similar things. Blinking more rapidly, he sat up. Both arms were like that. 'What the hell are these...?'

He looked closer to see they were in another language. The English sentences were badly written and didn't make much sense. But the drawings... they were done extremely well, and colored in, too. Hearing a yawn, he looked over to see Eren curled up with his back to him, clutching a pillow.

'Did we...' His blood ran cold. Throwing back the blanket, he revealed Eren to be fully dressed. Levi let out a sigh of relief and fell back against his pillow. His head hurt from thinking so much. He didn't even remember what had happened the night before. He squinted at the clock on the wall. '10:42 a.m...'

He looked around the room with narrowed eyes. The wallpaper was an ornate green and the bed had cream sheets and matching pillows. The blanket he was using matched the wallpaper. 'Where the hell am I?!'

Though his head and legs screamed with protest, he stood up and made his way to the door. His eyes burned. Taking a moment to lean against the wall, he covered them with his palms and issued a groan of pain.

Levi opened the door and stumbled into a hallway. Following it, he found himself in a familiar living room. 'Hanji...' He blearily sat down the couch to rest his head. 'Hangover? I drank?' "Good morning, sleepy head!" Petra smiled at him from the kitchen doorway. Mikasa appeared at her shoulder.

We made breakfast, if you're hungry. There's also advil and water." "What the hell happened last night?" He was too tired and irritated to be polite. "You, Hanji, and Jean drank too much. So, you're hungover. Marco and Eren still asleep?" "Mmhmm... Why were Eren and I sharing a bed?" The girls looked surprised at this.

"Hanji!" Mikasa finally said. 'Note to self: kill Hanji later.' "By the way, you have a really nice singing voice." Mikasa smirked at this. "Wh-" "You sang some Japanese song for us. How do you know Japanese?" Petra explained, then questioned. "I did WHAT?" The two exchanged smiles before disappearing through the doorway. "Come eat." Mikasa called.

Unsure of what to do, Levi followed. There was a plate with two Advils and a glass of water; a tray of breakfast foods was in the center of the table. There were two half-eaten plates of food. The girls had sat down and continued their meal. "Who made this?" He asked through a yawn. "That would be me. Eren can't cook to save his life so I've got to do it all." Mikasa responded.

Levi was still really confused about last night. He supposed it was evident on his face the two laughed again. "What happened to my arms?" "And neck?" "Huh?" Petra smiled. "You begged Eren to, quote on quote, 'give you tattoos.'" "Since when...?" He looked at his colorful arms through tired eyes.

Trying to shake his head clear of the thought, he took the Advil and made a plate of food for himself. Swallowing, he murmured, "So let me get this straight... I drank a lot, asked Eren for tattoos, and sang?" "You also played naked Twister with him." "I WHAT?!" His fork fell with a clatter. The two were laughing again. "No, you didn't. But you nearly played normal Twister. But, you thought making Eren a cape was more important."

Jean and Marco walked in, rubbing their eyes. "Good morning! Jean, there's Advil and water for you before you eat." Petra pointed to his spot at the table. They didn't say anything as they sat down. When Mikasa and Petra finished eating, Hanji blundered in. It was around 11:10.

By the time everyone had taken meds and eaten, it was 11:50. Still no Eren. 'Where is that brat? Did he even drink?' Levi thought to himself. "Eren loves sleep and being lazy. He's probably laying in bed on his phone right now. Let's go get him." Mikasa stood up and left the room. "Hey, Hanji." Levi said emotionlessly. "Mmhmm?" She hummed, standing up. "Why were Eren and I sleeping in the same bed last night?"

She froze and looked at him. "Uh... maybe you wanted to cuddle..." After a solid ten minutes of Levi yelling and threatening her, he stood up and took his plate to the sink, where he washed it. Mikasa came back, literally dragging a sleepy Eren by the wrist. He slid across the floor and didn't seem the least bit bothered.

Levi watched this exchange with a raised eyebrow. Eren was holding up his phone while he was dragged, scrolling through Tumblr. "Hellos, Levi." Eren waved. He only looked at him with a hard gaze. Eren looked deflated as he watched Levi. Once Mikasa had pulled him away, Levi went up to Marco. "Can you drive me home and take a taxi back? I can't drive like this, and I don't want to leave my car here.

"Sure." Marco told the others where he was going and drove him home. "See you tomorrow, I hope." The taller of the two waved before he got into the taxi. "See you."

Levi turned and walked into his house, rubbing his face. 'I'm going to take a shower and get all of this marker off.' He thought, entering his bathroom. Undressing, he looked at his arms and neck in the mirror. Then he noticed the number written across his chest. 'What the...' It looked like a phone number.

'Eren.' He thought, looking at it. 'I suppose I begged him to give me his number, too.' The very thought filled him with shame. He was about to get into the shower, the hot water making steam form on the mirror, before he had the idea to put the number in his phone.

'It could be useful.' He told himself once he created a new contact. Glancing on the artwork one more time, he got into the shower without noticing a few certain words written on the back of his neck.

<><>Timeskip 1 Hour<><>

Levi changed into a fresh t-shirt and boxers before laying in bed. The steam had helped decrease his headache, but it was back again. Pressing the heel of his palm into his forehead, he groaned and shut his eyes tightly. He felt like his brain was throbbing and his eyes rolling.

Unable to take it, he took another Advil. 'Ugh. I don't know if I'll be up to going to the library tomorrow.' He thought. The idea was appealing; he had had his fill of human interaction the night before. 'I could sleep for a week.' So he fell into bed and took a nap.

<><>Timeskip 3 Hours<><>

When he woke up, he checked him phone. 4 p.m. He still felt tired, but was too awake to sleep. He felt hungry, but was too full to eat. He could have read, but it would have been hard to focus through his headache. TV and music would also irritate him. 'I guess I'll text the brat, because I've got nothing else to do.'

Going to Eren's contact, Levi punched in, "So brat, you gave me tattoos yesterday." He put his phone down and closed his eyes. Almost immediately, it vibrated. 'So he isn't trained in the art of texting.' He joked to himself. 'I'll make him wait.' He folded his hands to his chest and looked at the ceiling.

When he felt like he had been a jerk for a sufficient amount of time, he picked up his phone. "Art." Was all he had said. 'What...? How the hell am I supposed to respond to this...?' Hesitating, he texted. 'What even happened last night?' Sent. Read, 4:12 p.m. Levi put it down again and folded his hands once more. A minute passed. Then two. Two turned into five, and five turned into ten.

After what felt like forever, he received this: "u gon libre tmro. I wrk @ 8 t 7 nd hd fun Art." 'What the hell.' It took him a minute to work it out. "You going to library tomorrow? I work at 8 to 7 and had fun... Art." That last part still didn't make sense. Oh, well. He didn't think to hesitate before sending, "I have a headache, I may stay home."

Instead of putting his phone down, he stared at the screen. Sure enough, three little dots had appeared instantly. 'He just has trouble with writing.' This made Levi want to laugh.

In the next one, Eren had discovered emojis. "[laughing face] ght btr son [smiley face]. I cna brg buk [7 book emojis]" 'How did he manage to turn every word into three letters? Talent.' "Get better soon. I can bring books." He shook his head.

That was their conversation for the next two hours. Levi sending something easy to read and polite, Eren throwing a trainwreck back 15 minutes later. He had not ceased to use the emojis. Levi threw in one or two occasionally to humor him; he never texted with them.

At 8 he received a last text from Eren. "gt gu. Dhnrr [spagetti emoji]. Nit [moon emoji] [3 star emojis]. c u tmro mab [waving emoji]"

"Got to go. Dinner. Night. See you tomorrow, maybe." Levi read aloud. Shooting back an "Okay, bye," in return. He put his phone down and thought about going to the library the next day.

The German Boy (Ereri/Riren) {DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now