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December 18, 2015, 6 p.m.

"What do you want?" I snap, although it's more of a statement than a question.

Yoongi stays silent, moving his gaze from me to the road beside us. I wait for him to speak.

"I'm sorry," he finally says, eyes locking with mine. "I really am. I-I know how much I hurt you. I'm really sorry-"

"If you really are sorry, why did you even do that to me in the first place?" I roll my eyes. Somehow, the ache that I expected to feel in my chest is replaced with anger and disgust instead. "You know what?" I quickly add in before he can answer. "I don't really care anymore. I don't even know why I agreed to come here. Just stay away from me from now on. I don't want to have anything to do with you."

With that, I start to walk past him and back towards the stall.

"Minrae, please," Yoongi pleads, grabbing my wrist as I pass him.

I try to wrestle myself out of his grip, but he firmly holds me in position.

"Let go!"

"Listen to me!"

We exclaim at the same time. A moment of silence passes between us, but Yoongi quickly breaks it before I can protest again.

"I don't love her," he tells me, "the one I love is you. I-I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

I cringe inwardly at his fake cheesy words. To think that fans of BTS actually believe that he's the master of swagger.

"I really don't care anymore, Min Yoongi," I answer, somehow feeling exhausted yet surprised at my own nonchalance.

"You know you do," Yoongi tries to persuade me. "Please, just listen to me. Come back to me. I really don't know how I'm going to live a day without you, and-"

I cut him off with a slap to his face.

The sound of skin against skin reverberates across the streets, and a triumphant feeling forms in my chest as I watch his pleading expression morph into a surprised one.

I suppose I really don't care about him anymore.

I take advantage of his state of shock, pulling my hand out of his grasp and sauntering back towards the restaurant.

"Minrae," Yoongi suddenly recovers from his surprise just as I take my third step.

Grabbing me by my shoulders, he pulls me towards him and turns me around so that I'm facing him.

Before I can react, he plants his lips onto mine, one hand sliding down to the small of my back and the other rising up to cup my face.

"MMPH!" I struggle against his embrace, fists pounding against his chest as I try to remove him from me.

But this seems to have no effect on him - instead, it only spurs him on. He pulls me closer while pushing his tongue into my mouth, one hand lowering to give my ass a firm squeeze.

Nausea rises in my throat all over again.

"Yoongi, please," I beg against his lips, still trying to push him away.

"Shh," he shushes me, taking advantage of my open mouth to fit his tongue in.

Tears start to form in my eyes as he shoves his tongue down my throat, deepening the kiss.

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