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December 19, 2015, 9 a.m.

The intense pain on the area above my womanhood wakes me up the next morning.

"Ugh," I groan, hand travelling to my pelvis. I immediately jolt awake from my half-awake state when my fingers come into contact with my wet pajama pants.

No, no, no, I inwardly pray as I sit upwards and throw the blanket off my body.

Blood. Everywhere. On the sheets. On my pants. And on my hand too.



After I finish washing up and scrubbing the blood off my pajamas and sheets, I walk out of the bathroom to an empty apartment.

Where's Tae?

I find my answer in the living room, where a yellow Post-It has been left on the coffee table.


I've gone out to audition for a drama serial :D I got Hoseok to keep you company though! He'll be here in a while, if he isn't already :>

Wish me luck!

Your Beautiful BooTae

I roll my eyes at his sign-off, a small smile forming on my face. Leave it to Taehyung for the lame jokes.

Just as I'm placing the note back on the table, the doorbell rings.

"Hey!" Hoseok beams at me once I open the door.

Despite the tension that remains from yesterday's incident and the fact that my vagina is bleeding, I find myself grinning back.

That's the thing fans like so much about J-Hope, isn't it? His ability to smile no matter what, and make people smile along with him, too.

"Where are we going for breakfast?" I ask, still smiling as I exit the apartment while locking up behind me.

"How about that fast food restaurant down the street?" he suggests. I know which restaurant he's talking about - that place is famous for its overly-cheap food.

"Never thought you would be a cheapskate," I tease.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" he complains, pouting cutely. "I'm just tryna save up!"

I laugh at his reaction. "Let's just go," I roll my eyes, taking the lead down the stairs with Hoseok following behind.


"Here you go," Hoseok places a tray of hot steaming pancakes and a cup of warm milk in front of me.

"Thanks," I smile, gulping down the milk before realizing that Hoseok didn't get anything for himself.

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