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DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT :D and also bcos it seemed wrong to end off with a boring chapter like the previous one :<


December 19, 2015, 11 a.m.

My stomach twists itself into knots, squeezing off layers and ripping at the inside of my ovaries. I don't think I've ever had such a bad cramp in all eighteen years of my life.

I press a cushion to my womanhood, praying that the pain will fade away soon. Hoseok left a while ago, so I'm all alone at home now.

I need hot water, I think to myself, slowly getting up from my position on the couch while using my left hand to support my weight.

Just as the tips of my toes touch the wooden flooring of the living room, the doorbell rings.

"Who is it?" I yell weakly from the sofa, deciding not to risk fainting while walking to the door to see who it is.

"Home delivery for the biggest idiot on earth!" Park Jimin shouts back from the corridor.

"The door is unlocked, let yourself in!" I exclaim with a groan, falling back onto the cushions while he enters the apartment as if it's his own.

"I got this for - woah. You okay there?" he starts to say, but cuts himself off when he sees me writhing in pain.

"Do I look okay?" I snap.

"It's not my fault you're a woman," he answers breezily, apparently getting the hint that I'm on my period.

"Park Jimin!"

"Okay, I'm sorry," he raises his hands in surrender before starting to walk towards me.

"Get me a glass of water and some painkillers," I order him. Surprisingly, he heads straight into the kitchen without another word. At least he still has a conscience.

"Here," Jimin emerges a moment later, handing me a pill and a glass cup.

I pop the pill into my mouth and quickly down the water, sighing in relief as I feel the pain slowly fade.

"Feeling better?" Park Jimin takes the cup from my hands and places it on the table.

I nod in reply, before realizing that he has a paper bag in his hands. "What's that?" I point to the bag while adjusting my position to sit up straight.

"Oh, I got this for you," he hands me the bag.

Curious, I quickly open it and take its contents out, my eyes widening when I recognize the packaging of my favorite tiramisu store.

"How did you know I like tiramisu?" I exclaim in delight.

"Are you not eating it?" Jimin asks, noticing that I'm not removing the pastry from its packaging. "I'll give it to someone else then." He starts to take the box from my hands.

"Wait what? No!" I smack his hand away, defending the cake as if my life depends on it.

I hastily remove the cover of the box and retrieve the holy dessert, stuffing it into my mouth as I savor my first bite. "God, this is good," I swoon.

"Someone lost her appetite because of me earlier, so I bought a cake to make up for it," he explains with a small smile. "Don't be too touched."

I roll my eyes, leaning forward to punch his arm. "Who said I lost my appetite because of you?"

"I didn't say that person was you," he laughs childishly while rubbing the spot that I just hit. "That hurt though."

"Serves you right," I stick my tongue out at him, before replacing the cover onto the box and placing it onto the table in front of me, deciding to finish it later.

"You haven't answered my question, though," I suddenly remember our previous topic.

"What?" Park Jimin widens his eyes innocently.

"How did you know I like tiramisu?" I question, before squinting at him suspiciously. "Did you stalk me?"

Jimin nudges my forehead with his index finger. "Dream on. I have my sources."

"Taehyung told you, didn't he?"

"Guess it yourself, you idiot," he rolls his eyes.

I'm about to protest when my stomach starts hurting again. "Oh fuck," I groan in pain, lowering myself back onto the couch.

"Crap, not this again," Park Jimin frowns. "Is it that bad?"

"Do you wanna try?" I challenge, threateningly extending my leg towards his member.

He hastily moves aside, hands instinctively flying to cup his little friend. "No thank you." He looks at my curled-up figure and hesitates, before suggesting, "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

If I wasn't dying from pain, I would have laughed. "It'll be the joke of the century. Going to the hospital just because I'm on my period. The nurses will make fun of me," I scoff.

Jimin purses his lips as he contemplates what he can do to make me feel better.

After an eternity, he finally walks over to me and lifts my head up from the sofa, before sitting down and placing my head into his lap. "Feeling better?" he asks while awkwardly ruffling my hair.

I almost face-palm. "I thought I was the idiot," I roll my eyes.

"You have no idea-"

"How many girls want to be in my position right now," I finish his sentence for him. He laughs.

I start to giggle too, but the pain in my lower abdomen intensifies as I do, so I stop abruptly, the clutch on my stomach tightening.

"Do you need more water?" Jimin offers, worried.

I shake my head. "It'll go away for a while, then it'll come back later, twice as painful as before."

Jimin contemplates this, his hand still stroking my hair like how an old grandma strokes her pet cat. "What should I do?" he mutters cutely to himself.

"Sing me a song," I suddenly suggest. Although I've been to a few BTS concerts, my focus was always on Taehyung, so I've never really paid attention to Jimin's voice.

"Will that help?" Jimin lightens up, and I nod.

"You can try."

He takes a deep breath, before starting. "Gyeote meomulleojullae?" he sings, in the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. "Naege yaksokhaejullae? Son daemyeon naragalkka, buseojilkka, geobna, geobna, geobna."

As he continues to belt out the lyrics to the song, the pain slowly fades, and sleep starts to take over.

I think, if I look back after ten, twenty years, this would be one of my most beautiful moments with Park Jimin.


i hope yall enjoyed that! vote and comment huehue :> the song that jimin sang was 'butterfly' by bts, by the way, in case y'all don't know :")


p.s. gyeote meomulleojullae? naege yaksokhaejullae? son daemyeon naragalkka, buseojilkka, geobna, geobna, geobna = will you stay by my side? will you promise me? what if i let go of your hand, you fly away and break, i'm scared, i'm scared, i'm scared

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