Chapter 2

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"J. Daniel Atlas," read Amber off the folder.

She glanced up at the man sitting across from her.

He had curly brown hair and a sharp jawline. A tiny scruffy goatee was all he had for facial hair. But the most intriguing thing about the man was his eyes. Beautiful blue eyes glinted back at Amber.

"Yes that's my name thank you for reminding me of it. I had nearly forgotten what it was," Atlas said sarcastically.

Amber remembered quite quickly how much she already hated this guy.

How had she missed the arrogance rolling off of him like waves? The way his eyes flicked around the room from person to person before resting on her. His blue orbs were full of contempt and spoke volumes about this shallow creature's character.

If he even had one.

Amber dropped the folder and folded her hands overtop of it. She leaned forward, staring the man down. Her green eyes narrowed as she glared at him.

"Down to business," she said coldly, "What does the J in your name stand for? James? Jason? Jeremy? Justin?"

"Journey," Rhodes began frustration bleeding through his voice.

"Jevin?" Amber questioned.

Daniel raised a brown eyebrow.

"Jevin?" he said in disbelief.

"A mixture of Jedediah and Kevin."

"Right," Daniel sneered turning towards Rhodes, "You're obviously in charge here, so tell me, when do you plan on releasing me and my team?"

Dylan Rhodes narrowed his dark eyes at the young man.

"We don't," he snapped coldly.

"Well you can't hold us here for long," Atlas said glancing around the room, "Unless you can prove how we stole 3.2 million euros from Paris whilst we were in Las Vegas."

He smirked at the last part and sat back in his chair. Well as far as he could get with his hands chained to the desk.

"Listen Atlas-"

"No, no, no! Don't give me the "oh I'm such a big deal! I've put hundreds of people like you behind bars" speech," Atlas interrupted carelessly. He smiled up at the infuriated detective, "It won't work."

A vein throbbed in Rhodes temple which served as a warning for Amber.

She scooted backwards a bit and gently moved his Pepsi can away from the center of the table.

Atlas didn't even look at her. He kept staring defiantly up at Dylan.

"Rule Number one of being a magician," he said quietly, "Make sure you're the smartest person in the room."

"Oh crap," mumbled Amber as Dylan launched himself at Atlas.

His hands stretched for the smaller man's throat when handcuffs suddenly yanked him down into the table.

Amber's jaw dropped as she saw Atlas's bare wrists.

Dylan was shocked and kept looking from his hands to the magician in front of him.

"Hey you, stupid cop," Daniel smirked at Amber.

She glared at him.

He raised an eyebrow and pointed at the Pepsi can.

"Missing a key?"

She gently picked up the can and shook it.

Along with the familiar noise of sloshing soda, there was a rattling noise.

Amber's eyes bulged.

She shook the can a few more times then opened the tab, successfully spraying J. Daniel Atlas in the face with the sticky substance.

He cried out in surprise and covered his already soaking face. Swearing, he glared back at her through his seething blue irises.

Amber smiled happily to herself and dumped the rest on the table. Atlas snatched up Dylan's phone as the soda streamed towards it.

"Careful!" He said reproachfully as he wiped his sopping face with his free hand.

The key slid out of the can and Amber carefully picked it up.

"Thank you, for your assistance," she said in a honeyed tone.

"My pleasure," Atlas mocked back.

Rolling her eyes, Amber unlocked Dylan's cuffs and snatched up her folder.

Just as she was heading for the door, she turned around.

"I just realized what the J in your name stands for," she said thoughtfully.

Atlas rolled his eyes and tried to wipe his sticky hands on his pants but found those were also wet with Pepsi.

"Jerkbutt," Amber deadpanned before stalking out of the room with her partner trailing after her.

So This Is Love? {NYSM: J. Daniel Atlas}Where stories live. Discover now