Chapter 13

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Dylan swore again as the car drove up the barrier before flying forwards onto its nose and rolling a good two hundred feet down the highway before landing on its back with a horrendous crash.

Amber hit the brakes in an instant as she stared at the burning car.

"No, no, no, no, no," she murmured under her breath as she undid her buckle and threw open her door.


She slammed her door in Dylan's face, leaving him far behind.

The closer she ran to the car the harder it became to breathe. Putrid fumes rose from the punctured fuel tanks in the destroyed vehicle. Flames began licking the roof of the car. At the sight of the fiery tendrils, Amber paused.

Jack is dying, she reminded herself stubbornly, You became a cop to save people. So save him.

Swallowing hard, she forced herself closer to the car.

The smoke began flooding her lungs causing her to choke. Squinting, she pushed herself forward onto her knees. More smoke clouded the air which made her eyes water severely.

"Jack!" she coughed, "Jack!"

Her vision swam through tears as she shoved a hand into the car. Scalding metal met her smooth fingers, leading her to shriek in pain. She bit her lip and reached farther in.

The fire was warming her face. If she got any closer it would roast her flesh. Her stomach churned at the thought.

"J-j-jack," she begged, "Jack, answer m-me!"

But he didn't.

Her fingers found a lukewarm wrist. It felt odd against her fingers but she couldn't see clear enough to see the body.

"Jack!" She bellowed desperately.

Tears began cascading down her burning cheeks, caused from the heat and her emotions spiraling out of control.

The flames were too hot. Her skin was beginning to blister. Her mind was jumbling together what was going on.

Who was she saving again? Evan? No, Evan was dead. Evan was gone.

A dull ache pulsed through Amber's heart.


Her grip weakened on the wrist before sliding out of her sweating palm.

"EVAN!" she screamed into the burning car, "EVAN COME BACK!"

Two arms grabbed her firmly around her front and waist before beginning to drag her away. Immediately she began thrashing in the person's grip.

"No! No! No! No! EVAN! EVAN!" She screeched at the car, "EVAN!"

"Amber, calm down," Rhodes whispered in her ear.

At the calming voice of her partner, Amber quieted slightly.

"We need to run," Dylan muttered, "Okay?"

Amber shook her head.

"Evan is back there we have to-we have to save him!" She cried trying to pull free and run back towards the car.

Gasoline began dropping slowly from the cracked hood of the car down below. A small puddle began forming beside the broken window outside the driver side.

"Evan," Amber muttered again to herself. Her eyes were overly bright and kept flashing into different directions.

Rhodes gripped her by the shoulders and forced her to look at him.

"Your brother is dead, Amber," he reminded in a soft yet stern tone, "Jack is in that car. Not Evan."

Amber looked at him before looking back at the car.


"He's gone," Dylan said quietly.

Amber's eyes filled with tears.

"Evan's dead," she repeated, "Evan-Evan is dead."

Dylan nodded before looking back at the car.

"Wait," Amber muttered as she came back to herself. Her eyes filled with terror as she turned back towards the car, "JACK!"

Dylan's mouth dropped in horror as he saw the flames fall right into the puddle of gasoline.

A blast of burning air hit the pair, sending them flying backwards. They flew through the air frozen in shock before smashing into the cement.

Dylan rolled along the highway, scraping every inch of his bare skin. He lay still for a good ten seconds trying to get his bearings and assess the damage. His elbows, forearms and ankles burned an angry red color as he sat up. Shredded skin decorated his tan skin which he gently peeled off, trying not to wince.

The sound of a rolling cart echoed around the highway as two medical personals walked up with a rolling stretcher. One was a nurse yet the other was a male doctor. The female nurse kneeled beside a body, that Rhodes recognized with a jolt of surprise to be Amber.

From his position he could see her pale skin decorated with similar brush burns to his. Her forehead had a thin trickle of blood oozing down the her temple, just below her hairline. Her bright green eyes were hidden behind white eyelids and he couldn't see if she was breathing or not.

"Rhodes! Rhodes are you-"

"Shut up!" he snapped at Agent Fuller, who had run up behind him.

Fuller swallowed his questions and watched Rhodes warily.

Rhodes ignored him and slowly got to his feet, still peering over at the scene ahead of him.

The nurse leaned down, almost completely blocking his view yet he saw her place two white fingers to the brunette a throat. She held them there for nearly half a minute before shaking her head at the doctor.

The doctor's shoulders sagged slightly and between the pair of them they managed to lift the cadaverous girl onto the stretcher.

Then the doctor pulled a white sheet from beneath the cart and gently covered the girl's body with it.

Amber Journey was dead.

Mwhahaha I'm evil...enjoy the cliffhanger!

Who's ready for Doctor Strange??? I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! I saw this poster in the movie theatre today and was grinning like an idiot. Benedict is one of my fav actors and now he's joining one of my favorite fandoms! I hope it works out well...

Enjoy your weekend!


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