Chapter 10

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Daniel opened his mouth, armed with a cutting reply but was cut off by a small cry of pain. He gripped his leg tightly and screwed his eyes shut, trying not to scream. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his temple, gluing a brown curl to his forehead.

Amber gently wiped it off and rubbed his shoulder.

"You're gonna be fine."

"Yea-AH!" He cried before panting heavily and staring up at the girl with blazing eyes, "R-r-right."

His eyes closed once more as another wave of pain rocked his body.

Amber knew he needed something. Anything to take his mind if the pain and a thought struck her. She cursed herself for thinking it but swallowed heavily, steeling herself.

After a quick breath, she leaned over and pressed her lips to Daniel's.

Amber's eyes shot open.

She coughed awkwardly as she sat up straight in her seat.

"You look terrible."

Amber rolled her eyes as she freed her face from where it had gotten stuck against her seatbelt. She was positive a red line now decorated her pale face.

"Always can count on you for an ego boost, can't I, Rhodes?" Amber retorted irritably as she scrubbed the corner of her mouth.

After leaving the hotel that morning, the pair had hopped into the squad car and began following a new lead on the Horseman case. Someone had made a very interesting discovery in one of the old interrogation videos. To Amber they felt like months ago when it had only been about a week.

According to the video of Daniel's interrogation, the curly haired arse stole Dylan's phone and replaced it with a replica. Which was how The Horsemen had stayed four steps ahead of the police. But because they had discovered the phony device they had managed to track it to an address in New York City. Hopefully it would lead right to The Horsemen's base. Or one of them. Amber doubted they had only one.

Amber made a face when she felt the indented print on her cheek. That wasn't going away any time soon.

"I try my best," Rhodes said straight faced.

Amber rolled her eyes before staring out the widow.

The fluffy white clouds obscured an azure sky. The blue was stunning. A bright yet not too bright color mixed with a dash of pastel. Just a few shades darker and it would match Daniel's eyes.

Amber's stomach dropped and she quickly looked down at her lap, away from the window.

Why did her thoughts always go in the same loop. She literally just went from blue skies to Daniel's eyes. And WHY was she suddenly calling him, Daniel?

Her heart beat pulsed loudly in her ears as she stared firmly at her clasped hands. Her fingernails were digging painfully into the tender skin of her palms, leaving behind scarlet crescent shaped marks. She focused on her self inflicted pain trying to distract herself.

Trying to distract herself from him.

Needless to say, it wasn't working. Her mind kept flicking back to the man.

Amber sighed, louder than she meant to and stretched out her legs as far as she could in the limited space of the car.

Rhodes shot her a curious look and she sensed it.

"Nerves," she explained in a tight voice.

Rhodes nodded at her reply but couldn't stop himself at the chance of a sarcastic reply.

"Try to stay awake when we attempt to catch them...again."

Amber made a face at him.

"No promises," she said, trying not to snarl.

Rhodes chuckled to himself as another thought crossed his mind.

"We're taking them peacefully, Journey," he said slowly.

Amber shot him a fiery glare.

"Don't say it-"

"So that means no shooting," Dylan finished, barely containing a laugh.

Amber sunk back in her chair trying not to scream in anger at her partner.


"Oh that's not going away anytime soon," he replied smugly, "I will never let it go."

Amber grumbled under her breath as she stared out the window. Only to be reminded of Daniel's eyes by the sky.

"The whole world's against me," she groaned as she kneaded the heel of her hand against her temple.

"Or you're so self centered that you don't see how much it's screwing with the rest of us."

"Shut up, Dylan."

"Don't give me lip, Journey."

"Wouldn't dream of"

Sorry! Short chapter! Just so people know, I am going on another mission's trip on Sunday to Haiti (whoop whoop) so I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to update...there is supposedly wifi but with my luck it won't work and honestly I think I'm going to be really tired so I'm not sure if I'll write anything.

Guys, I hate heat. And Haiti is like 98 degrees. I'm going to die. But honestly it isn't about me it's about who I'm going to serve down there so I need to suck it up.

Even though I'm going to die.

Haha just kidding. I have one of my best friends going who will force me to drink water. Lucky me!

Anyhow please pray for me if you think of it! I leave Sunday! I love airplanes so I'm super excited...and I have no idea why, but I love airports. I know! I'm so weird, right? I just love walking around, people watching (cause I'm weird) and finding places that sell I would have a flipping adventure if I got to walk around an airport for a day.

Enough of my weirdness for today, I guess. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Oh and do you guys want a name? Cause I just call everyone "guys" because that's my go to. It's the noun I just normally use. If you want a specific name for me to refer to you all  as, comment it! It could be like "Horsemen" or something! If you want!

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," Declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope."

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