Chapter 23

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Daniel never felt time move so slow.

His feet thudded against the cement floor of the balcony. He could feel the cool night air slowly begin to spread through the city as the sun began to slip away.

His tongue turned to lead in his mouth, unable to move, useless for anything.

Goosebumps flecked his arms and he nervously rubbed them trying to get them to disappear.

He swallowed slowly, trying to assuage the sudden dryness in his throat. A stab of pain attacked his lymph nodes as he attempted to swallow and he grimaced.

His eyes were fastened on the back of the woman before him, who was leaning against the railing that looped around the small out door balcony.

"Amber, I-I-"

"You're sorry," the woman interrupted in a flat voice.

Daniel felt his heart sink as he stood beside the woman.

"I-I didn't realize-"

"It was my dead brother in the picture," she cut in, still with an emotionless voice.

Her knuckles shone white against the black bars of the metal railing.


"No, Daniel," she said her voice growing fainter as she spoke. "Nothing you say will help. So please stop trying. What's said is said. You can't take it back."

Daniel grabbed onto the railing beside her and stared right at her.

"So what can I do? How can I apologize if you won't hear it?" He asked his anger peeking through.

Amber refused to look at him, deciding to turn her head further away. She stared across the busy city, letting her thoughts get caught up in the bustle and business of the city that never sleeps.

"Amber, please, what can I do?"

The voice was so quiet, she almost missed it. His hand was so soft when she felt it. It wrapped around hers and held onto her, not too tightly but enough to let her know he was there.

The woman turned, with steely eyes to face the man.


Daniel's heart broke. For the first time ever, he had actually cared for someone. Granted, he had a terrible way of showing it, let alone admitting it, but he had cared for someone. How? Or why? He didn't know but nevertheless he knew he loved Amber Journey.

And maybe she loved him. Maybe she cared for him in the tiniest bit in her heart.

But that love was gone.

It had vanished.

Because of one, seemingly, harmless, cruel, joke.

AN-Short chapter, yes I know! But I'm planning on updating sometime this weekend!

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Short chapter, yes I know! But I'm planning on updating sometime this weekend!

Hope you guys are having a good school year so far! Precalc is tough so far...I'm not a math or science person at all...give me English or history any day. Or better yet, no school!

Quick question for everyone, how many Star Wars fans do I have on here? And to those fans, how many would be possibly interested in a Star Wars 7 fan fiction that I'm working on? Just out of curiosity.

As always comment your thoughts! Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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