Chapter 3

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Laura looked out the window of her hotel room, the lights of the city below making her feel insignificant. When her step-sister, Charlotte, had heard that she was going to be in Los Angles she had talked her fiancé, Kellan, and a couple of their friends into flying up from San Diego for a weekend getaway. They were staying in the same hotel, and she had arranged to have dinner with them in the hotel's restaurant.

She walked back over to the mirror and fastened the small pearl earrings in her ears then, brushing her hands down her black cocktail dress, she looked at her reflection one last time.

Laura and Charlotte had never been close or even that friendly, but their shared affection for Tabitha, Charlotte's mother, had allowed them to develop a relationship in the last few months. The horrible history that they shared had been revealed, making them both realize that they had misjudged each other. Although they still hadn't discussed any of their shared past, they both knew of it through Tabitha.

Smoothing her tightly coiled hair one last time, she was satisfied with her reflection. Picking up her four inch stilettos she walked towards the bed, sitting, she put them on and took a deep trembling breath. This was the first time she had seen Charlotte in over two years and she was anxious.

All of their communication had been through emails and phone calls.

Picking up her purse and shawl, she looked around the room one more time before leaving. As she pulled the door closed she heard someone do the same next to her and when she looked up Davis staring at her.

He was wearing the same thing he had been earlier, but he had thrown a suit jacket over the outfit.

"You look stunning," he said as his eyes took in every detail of her appearance.

Clearing her throat she thanked him as she tried to suppress a blush.

"Where are you off too looking so lovely? Should I be jealous?"

There was that word again. "In my experience only insecure men are jealous," she threw out as she walked passed him.

He started to follow her. "Maybe, but seeing as we're not in a relationship yet, I'm not secure in your feelings towards me."

Laura's stomach bottomed out at his words then rose to her heart. Her feelings towards him...she had no clue what those might be other than lust.

"Yet? Try never." Laura punched the arrow for the elevator, trying her best to play it cool.

"Never say never," he said softly, standing right behind her. If she leaned back even slightly she would be in his arms.

They were silent as they entered the elevator. The tension filled the small confined space as he watched her and she did her best to ignore him. The fact the she was failing miserably was evident. "Would you please stop staring at me?"

"Do I make you nervous?" he asked.

He was teasing her and she didn't like it. "No, you make me remember things I would rather forget!" she said it with such force her whole body jerked.

"What kind of things?"

She looked at his reflection in the mirrored doors. He looked confused and concerned. When was the last time someone had been concerned for her? Was it just his concern that made her want to be weak, or would any man's concern do the same?

Thankfully the doors opened allowing her not to respond.

As she exited the elevator with Davis right behind her she glanced around the lobby and saw Charlotte and Kellan, and they were with Josh and Devon McIntire, old friends of her family's. Josh and Kellan had served in the Navy together, and even though they were recently retired they still wore the air of military men. They were both dark and handsome men and looked almost like brothers.

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