Chapter 5

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There was a knock at the door as Laura finished applying her final coat of lipstick.

She had thought long and hard about why Davis had asked her out, and there were only two reasons that she could come up with, the first was that he liked a challenge and was convinced that he could melt the Ice Queen, which was what she had thought the first time she had met him, and the second was that he wanted to show off to his brother by bringing her to dinner.

Laura was used to both reasons because they had been the only reasons she had been asked out in the past, so she saw no reason for this time to be different.

The only reason she was going was because he promised to leave her alone after dinner and never ask her out again, that alone was worth one boring dinner. If she could get all of her dates to agree to a similar deal then she would have no worries only the occasional bad date.

When there was a second knock she sighed and reached over to pick up her wrap and small purse. One good thing that came from modeling was the excellent clothes. She had plenty of them. She had chosen a red dress that had a halter top and hugged her curve to just above her knees and she was wearing the same back heels that she had worn the previous evening. Her hair was in a low bun at the base of her neck and she wore no jewelry, but she had put on lipstick to match the dress and the look was dramatic.

If Davis wanted to impress his family with her then she would do well this evening. She couldn't help but wonder why it even mattered that she cared if she impressed his family or not.

Shaking off the errant thought, she opened the door to see Davis leaning against the doorjamb as if he had all the time in the world. He was wearing his customary layered look with blue jeans, shirt, sweater and jacket along with the ever present cowboy boots.

"Tell me something Davis," she let her gaze travel up to meet his, "do you own any shoes that aren't cowboy boots and any pants that aren't blue jeans?"

Not put off by her question he grinned. "I travel light." He let his gaze travel over her and it warmed her completely. "But thankfully, you don't." He held out his arm waiting for her to take it.

Laura took his arm letting him lead her down the hall and into the elevator, and when another couple followed them into the small space he pulled her close putting his arm around her. She knew she should fight it but she didn't, instead she gave in and leaned into him for the minute it took the elevator to descend.

He smelled wonderful and he had shaved, giving her an up close look at the dimple that danced in his cheek.

Davis didn't hold her attention long though as Laura became aware of the admiring glance of the other man in the elevator, and it made her feel uncomfortable especially since he was already with a woman. She started to tap her purse with her finger, trying to hurry the elevator, and when it opened she stepped out in front of Davis to block his view.

"What's wrong?" Davis asked, sensing her agitated state.

Laura gave her best smile and shook her head. "Nothing at all." She could hardly tell him that she hated it when men stared at her in the way that the man in the elevator had. She was a model it was her job to be stared at.

It still threw her that Davis's look of appreciation didn't make her feel her usual unease. Most men looked at her as if she was a beautiful, unfeeling, treat that they were looking forward to unwrapping later. Somehow Davis made her feel desirable and cherished. She knew most men were proud to be seen with her, but with Davis she had the sense that he was proud of who she was not just in how she looked.

She mentally rolled her eyes at fanciful thoughts. She didn't know him and he didn't know her, so those thoughts were all wishful thinking.

As they exited the elevator he moved towards the front of the lobby and the exit. "We're not eating here?" she asked. She had thought that they would be dining in the restaurant like the previous evening.

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