Chapter 11

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Laura, Carmen, and Kelly landed in Austin on time. The flight had been uneventful, but Laura, who had had to mentally prepare herself to meet Davis at the airport in New York was surprised he hadn't been there. He had flown with them to every other location that they had visited, but for this trip he was strangely absent. She knew he was still the photographer for the job because no one had mentioned a substitute.

The girls all had carry-on luggage only and they had to dissuade plenty of cowboys from trying to help them carry it. It was early May and the heat as they exited the airport was stifling.

"How will we know who's meeting us?" Kelly asked, her attitude had been decidedly grumpy once she realized that Davis wasn't travelling with them and even the cowboys hadn't cheered her up.

No sooner had the words left her mouth than Rainer was in front of them, his massive frame and charming grin filling their gazes. She swore she heard Kelly sigh behind her.

"Ladies, I won the draw." He grabbed the first bag, his muscles rippling as he threw it into the back of truck bed. "It's about an hour drive, do we need to stop anywhere before we hit the road?" he asked as he threw the rest of the bags into the back.

They all said they were good to go, and Kelly jumped into the front seat before the other two had the chance. Carmen looked at Laura and rolled her eyes.

"Where's Davis?" Kelly asked as she buckled her seat belt.

"He's back at the ranch. It's round-up season so he's working with the rest of them." Rainer gave another heart stopping grin as he moved the truck into the traffic.

Laura was trying her best to look relaxed as she watched the scenery fly by the window, but her stomach was a mass of knots at the thought of seeing Davis again.  How much damage had she done by sneaking off the way she had? She hadn't wanted to leave but she knew if she stayed she would have said too much.

Carmen sensed she didn't want to talk, so she remained silent as they both listened to Kelly's chattering coming from the front seat. The trip didn't last long enough for Laura, and before she knew it they had turned down a winding drive that had pastures on both sides and a large house sitting at the end. 

The house was lovely, it was made of warm mellow stone with a tin roof and was surrounded by deep porches. There was a swing on the front porch, and Laura recognized Davis's mother and sister at once. Laura bit back a groan at the sight of Lizzy. She really wasn't in the mood to be a bitch.

"Welcome to our home," Rainer said as he jumped out of the truck and opened Laura's door for her.

Looking at the house, she could see Davis growing up there. It must have been a wonderful childhood and so unlike her own. She swallowed hard at the contrast that presented itself in her mind.  She could see Davis roughhousing on the porch or running around the yard with his brothers, her childhood had been spent dressed-up in perfect dresses and only speaking when spoken to. Dirt and noise where not an option in the Wren household.

She was glad that she had her darkest sunglasses on, so that they hid her thoughts as she made her way with the others to the porch. "Come in girls, lunch will be in about half an hour out back. It should give you just enough time to get settled."

Elizabeth took a minute to introduce herself and Lizzy to Carmen and Kelly before taking them into the house and showing them their rooms. "Rainer, Caleb, and Davis are all staying at Caleb's place so that we would have enough room for everyone," Elizabeth said as she showed first Carmen then Kelly their rooms.

"We can stay at a hotel," Laura said, not that intending it to sound as cold as it did.

Elizabeth looked at her oddly for a moment before giving a charming smile. "That's not necessary, we've managed to make the room," she said as she opened a door to a small room with a twin size bed and lots of stripes.

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