Chapter 15

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The rumors that she knew Elizabeth Steven's were flying around campus, and Rusty was having the time of her life sharing in her limelight. Laura quickly remembered what it was like to enter a room and be the one that everyone was talking about. The only difference was that it used to bother her and now she wasn't concerned by it.

Perhaps it was Elizabeth's insistence that she was meant for bigger and better things, or maybe it was because this time people weren't saying malicious things about her, at least to her knowledge they weren't, and no one had recognized her yet.

It was two weeks later, and she was working the circulation desk while Rusty stood at one end keeping her company until Edna got back from her lunch break when the next Stevens wave hit.

The door opened and Laura looked up to see Cassie and Mason enter. It took them a minute for their eyes to adjust, but when they did they immediately landed on Laura. "Laura!" Cassie squealed, hurrying towards her with her arms outstretched.

Mason rolled his eyes and followed her. At Cassie's squeal everyone had looked to see what the commotion was and they hadn't looked away. Cassie leaned over the counter giving Laura a quick peck on the cheek and Mason followed her lead.

"Cassie, use your indoor voice please," Mason shushed her with mock sternness. "This is a library, right Laura?"

"Last time I looked, and these are called books, you should try one." Her voice was dry as she held up one of the books that she had been checking in.

"Huh..." Mason looked impressed with the knowledge she had just imparted then completely ruined it by grinning. "Mom sent us, she said something about needing to take you out to dinner and make you fall in love with the family or some such nonsense. I told her we already loved you and that Lizzy was the one she needed to send, but Mom doesn't think either one of you is ready for that."

"Why are you in town, it can't be just to take me out to dinner?" Laura was aware of all of the people who were watching.

"No, Mason got a speeding ticket. He's here to charm his way out of it," Cassie said, picking up the book that Laura had been checking in, it was Davis's

"Look Mason, its Davis's book."

Mason looked over Cassie's shoulder and grunted.

"So, are we on for dinner this evening or not?"

"Sure, as long as I don't have to get dressed up."

"Nah, take us somewhere fun," Mason said, looking at the photos as Cassie scanned though them. "I've never seen most of these."

"You should take them to Gypsy's," Rusty said from behind them.

"That sound's promising," Mason said, giving her a grin that made Rusty flush before turning back to Laura. "I'll text you with a time?"

"Sure," she said, going back to her books.

Mason grinned and looked around with a wave before he took Cassie's arm and pulled her away from the counter and towards the door. She doubted that they would eat at Gypsy's, too many people had heard about it and there would be a mob waiting.

When they were gone Rusty grabbed the book and checked it out, opening it right there in front of her. "Who's Davis?"

"He's Mason's brother," Laura said, feeling a little bit of the Ice Queen return at her prying.

"Is this you?" she asked, looking from the photo to Laura.


"Huh," Rusty said, mimicking Mason's earlier comment as she wandered towards the door looking at the book.

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