Chapter 16 (The End)

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Laura finished up her last class and by the end of the week, and the entire school was scheduled to close down for the following two weeks until summer courses started.  The following Tuesday was her last day in the library, and she had already told Rusty that she wouldn't be back the following year.

Laura had been sent the itinerary for the next two weeks, and they were going to be shooting around the university campus and some of the local night spots.  The few students who were not leaving were being hired to sit in the background for the photo shoot. Laura still hadn't told anybody that she was a part of it, wanting to enjoy her anonymity for a little longer. Carmen and Kelly were arriving that week and Laura was supposed to stay with them at the hotel.

Davis was hoping to get all of the shots he wanted, but he was unsure if he could do it at one school so he had another on standby in case they needed to move. The previous year they had traveled light, with just one make-up artist and wardrobe assistant when needed, this year they were to have the works, even lighting was to be included since most of their shots were to be inside.

The humorous side of Laura thought it was because they would need all the help they could get in making themselves look young enough to be college age. On Sunday night she moved from her shared apartment with Rusty to the hotel downtown. She was wearing her college garb so she wasn't recognized and she was able to slip in unnoticed.

There was a message waiting for her saying that the others would be in the bar at seven and she should join them for dinner. It took her a short time to change into a pale pink wrap dress with high heel sandals,and she left her hair down around her shoulders and did minimal make-up.

As soon as she entered the restaurant she saw Davis standing at the bar with Kelly and Carmen laughing at something the bartender was saying. He looked handsome, his dark hair reflected the lights and as he turned and saw her his dimple flashed in his cheek.

She crossed the room to him and he put his arm around her waist dropping a light kiss on her head. "What'll you have?"

"Just a water please," she said coolly.

"Boring Laura, it's the beginning of a new campaign have a glass of wine."

"No, thank you," Laura said, reaching for her water as it was served.

"Now ladies, no fighting on the first evening together please. There will be time enough for the catty remarks and back stabbing tomorrow," Davis said as he led the way to a table.

Dinner was as pleasant as it could be, but Laura was disappointed when Davis said goodnight and left them. He had not bothered to say anything special to Laura all night.  Granted, Kelly and Carmen were there, but he could have sat with her until they left or she was ready to go to her room.

"Burnt that bridge, didn't you Laura? I only hope you look as good in the photos this year as you did last year." Kelly smiled into her drink.

"Either way I'll still look better than you Kelly." She stood up,nodding a quick goodnight to Carmen. The elevator was slow to arrive, and when she stepped off on her floor she saw Davis standing in the hall outside her room looking at his phone.

"Are you going to invite me in?" he asked with his wicked smile.

"Why did you leave?" she answered back, unlocking her door.

"I don't want to give Kelly any ammunition to use against you. She's after your job you know." He followed Laura into the room turning on the light behind him.

Laura smiled. "What else is new?"

"You don't seemed bothered by it."

"I'm not." She shrugged, walking over the dresser and starting to take off her jewelry, watching as Davis sat on the edge of her bed watching her.

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