Chapter 9

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Laura emerged from the car to the flashing bulbs of the paparazzi, pasting a sunny smile on her face as she slowly made her way up the red carpet towards the entrance. The last place she wanted to be that evening was at a party. Laura had received the call at three that afternoon that Kelly had become violently ill and they needed Laura to take her place. This was normally something that Kelly thrived on because she loved the spotlight and all of the attention. Laura of course hated it and it worked well between the two of them that Kelly should be the one to attend these events.

While she was hating every second of being at the mercy of the press, her escort seemed to be enjoying all of the noise and attention. Todd Sebring was a major star of film and loved being the center of attention. He had looks that could kill and a body too match, and all of the girls went wild as he exited the car. The fact that Todd had very little personality was lost to most people because of his looks.

Laura barely knew Todd, but since both of them represented the same company they had been told to attend together in Kelly's absence. Todd was oblivious of Laura's dislike and had been hitting on her nonstop since she had gotten in the car. Kelly would have loved every minute of it. Todd, in his own delusional mind, was under the impression that she was as into him has he was into to her.

However, he was the least of her worries since she was still reeling from her Washington D.C. trip. After dinner with her parents Davis had kept his distance, and she had tried to convince herself that it was what she had wanted all along, but the week without him had seemed dull and empty. So dull in fact, that she couldn't wait for the upcoming week's New York photo shoot and the trip to Texas the following week. They might not have any one on one time, but it would give her a chance to at least see Davis.

The doorman held the door as they coasted through. Todd had his hand in the small of her back, waving to the crowd as the door closed behind them. "What a rush, it never gets old does it?" He was practically dancing from foot to foot, a sure sign that he was high on more than just the attention.

Laura gave a polite smile, not bothering to answer the rhetorical question.

"Miss Wren, Mr. Sebring, may I please show you to your table?" A pretty blond greeted them in the foyer. Laura watched as she kept shooting Todd covert glances.

As they wound their way through tables Todd stopped to say hello to just about everyone, and the majority of people looked confused as to why he was even saying hello to them.

Suddenly there was a camera in her face and a flash. When the camera was lowered she saw Davis's grinning face. "Thanks, I think I just got the shot of the night."

Laura's eyes followed him as he made his way from table to table taking pictures. He was wearing a tux and he looked magnificent in it, as if he had been wearing one his whole life. She noticed that he looked a little tired, but he was his usual charming self as he flirted with all of the women and joked with all of the men. She also noticed that after taking the picture he hadn't looked twice at her or paid her any attention. Was he still upset with her, and why did it matter so much if he was?

"Here's your table." The young blond broke the spell that Laura had seem to fall under as she watched Davis's form weave its way through the crowds, chatting people up and taking their pictures.

Laura didn't sit right away, waiting for Todd to pull out her chair, but he seemed to miss the hint and sat down without touching it. Exasperated, Laura was about to turn and do it herself when it was done for her. She turned to see Mason Stevens pulling it out for her.

"Thank you," she said, sitting and giving him a polite smile.

"You're welcome Laura." He winked and gave her a roguish grin which Laura had to fight not to return. Mason took the chair next to her after helping Cassie with her chair.

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