Chapter 10

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New York proved to be a very productive photo shoot.  The first day they shot at famous locales, the second night they shot at the top of the Empire State building, which fit into the roaring twenties perfectly. Laura was sure that the lights behind and below them made a stunning back drop.

They were currently shooting at Davis's apartment.  He had pulled a red velvet curtain across the apartment to create a back drop and with some simple platforms he had created a theater like atmosphere.

They were all wearing the traditional roaring twenties get-up. Their hair was coiled tightly against their heads, and they were wearing their headbands with feathers, and sleeveless flapper dresses that were cut off mid-thigh with ten inches of fringe. The make-up was very dramatic with pale faces and deep red lips, and there accessories were long strands of pearls and very high heels.

Davis had them on the platform with chairs posing and then dancing, and he had put on some roaring twenties music and danced with them.

Davis had given no hint to her about how he felt about his declaration of love.  Laura was not quite sure what she expected since she had never had a man tell her he loved her, but Davis had treated her as he always had. No, not as he always had, he was not as carefree with her as he had been.  There was none of the teasing that she was used to.

He now had the three of them posed in front of one of the dressing mirrors. Their poses were very concise and he wanted them all to switch with each other so he would get them all in the different poses he had chosen but all together too.

He had replaced the chair with a bench and for the first round he had Kelly with her foot on the bench fixing her stocking, Carmen was sitting facing away from the mirror reading a magazine, and Laura was looking in the mirror fixing her make-up, her tube of bright red lipstick in her hand.

He was done with the first round when there was a knock at the door. He called for them to enter without stopping what he was doing.  He got some excellent shots as all of the women looked in the same direction at the same time.

Laura watched as Bryce and Grace entered with an older couple.

"Excellent, will you all switch please. This time I want Kelly with the magazine and Carmen fixing her stocking. Laura please stay put." He moved to small group as they started to change places.

"Who do you suppose they are?" Kelly asked as she picked up the magazine, not attempting to hide her interest in the new comers. Laura guessed that the older couple were his parents, but she remained silent as she watched him kiss the ladies and hug the men.

After a moment he returned and they continued. Laura did her best to focus, but she kept getting glances from the two women leaning into each other and whispering while they watched.

After a few minutes he switched them out again.  This time he had Laura fixing her stocking, Carmen in the mirror and he kept Kelly reading. Laura did her best to block out their audience as she tried to focus, but she felt very uncomfortable with the pose. Davis didn't say anything so she must have succeeded in fooling everyone.

His final shots were of the women in front of the dressing mirror by themselves. He started with Kelly and when he was done he thanked her and sent her on her way, and by the time he was done with Carmen's shots she had finished changing and was headed out, not hiding her disappointment that she hadn't had her curiosity satisfied.

Laura leaned against the wall in front of the window, waiting, still pretending that they didn't have an audience.  She focused on Davis as he posed Carmen and they laughed over some of her antics.

Laura mentally shook her head as she watched.  It amazed her how Davis could charm everyone. Laura had done many shoots with Carmen and she had never laughed and relaxed like she was doing with Davis. He had definitely managed to bring something out in her that no one else ever had.

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